MORNING MANNA - JUNE 28 - 30, 2006
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MORNING MANNA 6 28 06 FEEL LIKE GIVING UP? Are you feeling like giving up on something or
someone today? Maybe giving up on everything?? Has life come at you with a vengence leaving you sick and tired?
Well, join the crowd! However, God has another plan. He wants you to be revived and refreshed.
He has a reward in mind for You if You will just rest in Him and stay in the race. Here's God's message for you
today from Galatians 6:9, "The Message" version of the scriptures. "So let's
not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don't give up, or
quit." - Galatians 6:9 Your harvest will surely come if you don't give up. That's God's promise to you
and me and God is no liar! God is able to mend your broken heart so don't lose your heart over the cares of this
world. At one point in his life, Winston Churchill preached a sermon (although he probably did not know he was preaching
the Word). He was speaking at a commencement exercise at a prominent school in England. Although he was well known
for his powerful speeches, when he stood before the group, he used only three words. "Never give up, never give
up, never give up." With that he returned to his seat. How about that sermon!! The
Word of God tells us that when we have sown in tears, we will reap in joy, Psalm 126:5. It also tells us that joy comes in the morning, Psalm 30:5. Do you find yourself in what seems to be an endless night of weeping? Don't lose heart.
Your mourning will give way to joy in the morning. Just............. Never give up. Never give up.
Never give up.
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June 29, 2006 - Still Feel Like Giving Up? Oh my friend, how easy it is to look down when nothing seems
to be going right. How easy it seems to just throw in the towel. But, look up. Look again at another of
God's promises. Psalm 146:8 gives us more reason to keep on keeping on when it declares that the Lord lifts up those who are weighed down.
The term, "lifts up" actually means, not only "to raise" but also, "to comfort". Why do
we get so weighed down? What is so important for us to hang onto? What is worth more than our joy, peace and contentment?
Does anybody really care how we feel? Good news! Jesus cares. His word says we are to cast all our care
or anxiety on him because he cares for us, 1 Peter 5:7. Jesus cares for you. He wants to carry that load you've been struggling with. Losing
weight is on the minds of many of us these days. But how about spiritual and emotional weight? Just like being
too heavy physically leaves us drained of energy, so also does being overweight spiritually. It leaves us weighed down
and depressed. Not only does Jesus invite us to cast (throw) all our excess baggage on Him, His word says that He will
actually raise us up again and give us comfort. If that isn't enough, He tells us that if we will seek His Kingdom
and His righteousness first, everything else we need will be given to us, Matthew 6:33. Now there's an interesting thought. Give up to get..... The trade isn't bad either. We give
our cares and troubles and He takes care of our needs and gives us peace, joy and contentment. I
think I just might spend the day by the Living Water doing a little "casting". Who knows, I might catch some
peace or joy or some other wonderful thing that God is just waiting to give me? How about you? Meet you at the
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June 30, 2006 Just Call Have you ever been in a dilemma? Have you been or are you now
in a situation that seems to have no possible answer? Do you wonder when and if you will ever have an answer?
Life presents us with some difficult and seemingly impossible trials. They can destroy our joy and steal our peace.
What can we do? Here's a wonderful piece of good news. God says in His Word (Jeremiah 33:3) that we can call on Him. Just think of that. The One who created Heaven and earth says, "call on me"!
But that isn't the end of the good news. He says that He will show us great and mighty things which we have not
known. The Message version of the Bible puts it this way: 'Call to me and I will answer
you. I'll tell you marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own.' Sometimes it’s
impossible to figure things out on our own (and even when we do figure them out on our own, it is really the Lord that gives
us the power to do it). What an invitation our Heavenly Father gives us. This is a promise. His promises
never fail because He cannot lie. My friend, take heart. Look to your loving and faithful Heavenly Father.
Be obedient and call upon Him. He will show you things that you could never have figured out by yourself. It
is said that George Washington Carver testified before the Senate Agriculture Committee on the value of the peanut.
By the way, it is also said that Carver was traded as an infant for an old race horse. His testimony was that he got
his knowledge of peanuts from the Bible. When they asked him what the Bible said about peanuts, guess what he said?
He told them the Bible didn't say anything about peanuts. However, he finished his testimony telling them that the Bible
told him about God and God told him about the peanut. What kind of an answer do you need today? Call upon God and
receive His promise. While you are calling, let Him know how much you appreciate Him. Our Father is just waiting
for His children to call and He longs to hear us acknowledge His goodness. Just remember, the emergency number to Heaven.
It's Jeremiah 33:3!
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