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Did you ever hear that saying, "Do as I say, not as I do?" I used to hear it when I was young if an erring adult
wanted to be sure their bad behavior was not copied. You may be too young to have heard it. This is
not a saying that the apostle Paul would have used. Philippians 4:9 encourages us to practice what we have learned and received and heard from him. But it goes farther than that.
He actually says that we should model our lives after his example! How is your life today? Do you, as they say,
"walk the talk?" I would like to think I could tell people to practice what they see in me but I tend to fall short
at times.
The reason that Paul could ask us to follow his example is that He had been radically changed by his encounter with Jesus.
He was totally and completely changed from the person he was before that meeting. We, too, are different people than
we were before we met Jesus (if we actually have a relationship with Him). Our lives are constantly growing more like
His. Wouldn't it be great to be able to say, like Paul, "follow my example?"
Our example is being watched by those around us whether we are aware of it or not. There will be people who follow.
Will they be led toward the Kingdom of Heaven or away from it? Paul goes on to say in Philippians 4:9 that if we follow his example and teachings (which are really the example and teachings of Jesus), the God of peace
will be with us. That is, the very presence of God will be with us. Wouldn't it be wonderful if that's the
way people saw us? Seeing the presence of God would surely attract others into the Kingdom. So, what are you doing
today that will cause others to see God's presence in your life? I've got some work to do in my life. Catch
you tomorrow morning!
What do you think about most? Someone has said that you worship whatever it is that you think about most. We
all know that God desires our total worship. So, it would be interesting to make a list of things we think about during
the day and see just what categories they fall into. Paul gives us a list of eight things that we should think
about in Philippians 4:8 (KJV). As far as I can see, they are all part of God's character and personality. I call them the family
of "Whatsoever's."
What are you thinking of just now? Is it true? That's the first whatsoever and it is very freeing. The Bible
says, we can know the truth and it will set us free (John 8:32). In fact it was Jesus who said it. He is the truth. Knowing and thinking about what is true will free
you (John 8:32). Think about what is honest. The Bible says that God is not a man that he should lie (Numbers 23:19). Neither should we. It is so easy to be dishonest and even to tell little "white lies" but we are not even to
think of it. Then there are things that are just. These things are righteous and holy things pointing back to
God again. Think of pure things. These things are innocent, modest, and clean. The next is things that
are lovely. The word, "lovely," has to do with friendliness and things that are acceptable. God is into
friendship. He stoops low and calls us, "friend." (John 15:15) Then there are things of good report. These are things that you can speak well of (gossip never falls into
this category!). Finally, if there is anything of virtue (moral goodness) and if there is anything worthy of praise
(we know God is), we're supposed to think about these things.
There is so much to think of every day and lots of it does not fit into these categories. There is a plethora
of stuff in the media and a great deal in our lives that is unworthy of our concentrated thought. So,
God has given us eight things to keep our minds working in a positive manner. How great a God we have! He knows
the temptation to think about the things brought about by the fall but He wants us to keep looking up. Instead of the
bijillion negative things that you might think about today, how many of these eight will you choose instead?
There are certain steps to take that can bring about God's peace in your life. They are found in Philippians 4:6-7. First, don't fret or be anxious about anything. Sounds easy. I don't know about you but it does not always come
easy to me! It requires faith and trust. Don't fret about that though. They are gifts of God too and
He will freely give them if you will incorporate them into this next step. Second, in all your circumstances and
in every single thing in your life, let God know what you want. Sounds easy too but be prepared to let Him decide whether
what you want is really what you need. Thanksgiving and honest communication is the key here. General and specific
prayer is what God has in mind. During this step, be prepared not only to speak but to do a lot of listening!
When we can do these things the Bible says that we will have a peace that passes all of our human understanding.
This peace comes from God, of course. It is like a military guard that will cover our hearts and our minds. What
protection! We will then find ourselves free from the fear of this world and the next. That assurance is based
on the fact that we are secure in the knowledge that Jesus has bought and paid for our salvation. It includes everything
we need right now and for eternity.
If you are not sure that you have salvation, let that be the first thing you ask God for this morning. Be sure to
thank Him because you know that He sent His best to take away the worst in you (Romans 5:8). If you're already following Jesus, begin to thank God for your salvation and all the other things He has done for
you and given to you. Thank Him for who He is. That other list of specific requests may grow a bit shorter as
we realize just how well the King takes care of His children. All of a sudden, contentment enters. Peace very
soon follows! May the God of all peace guard your heart and mind this morning and always!
Is your moderation known to all people? Paul says it should be in Philippians 4:5. What exactly is moderation? I really liked one definition I found in Vine's Expository Dictionary. It
is "sweet reasonableness." Other defining words are, "gentleness" and "forbearance." It is kind of an
all-encompassing word. It calls for a willingness to quickly forgive. It calls for fairness in all human
affairs. While it has been thought of many times as having to do with food and drink, it actually has to do
with much more than that - it is a heart attitude and affects all of life.
There is a lot of talk today about balance. Moderation seems to be a "balance" word. It is something that will keep
you from flying off the handle. One definition I read said something like, "meekness even in provocation."
It certainly leaves no place for unrestrained anger or rage. The Amplified Bible puts it this way in Philippians 4:5 ; "Let all men know and perceive and recognize your unselfishness (your considerateness, your forbearing
spirit). The Lord is near [He is coming soon]. "
Wow, that is an all encompassing word! It covers almost everything. That's because Jesus is coming soon
and He's coming for a body of believers, His Bride, who are in unity, without judgment toward one another and unspotted by
the world. There is no room for harshness, judgment and unreasonableness in moderation. So, how are you known
today? As unselfish? As balanced? As sweetly reasonable? Or as................ I'm going to stop asking
because I've already found lots of adjustments to make in myself! May God grant that today be the start of a journey
toward sweet reasonableness so that the Lord may find us in that state when He returns
If you have been reading "Morning Manna" regularly, you have probably noticed that the devotionals have been following
the book of Philippians. In writing this morning, I have come to what seems like a very simple, straight-forward verse.
Philippians 4:4 says, "Rejoice in the Lord alway and again I say, rejoice." - KJV Thinking back on the events of 9/11/01,
it does not come naturally to want to "rejoice". Yet, the verse says to do it always. Paul is not just making
a passing comment, No, he makes it very clear, he repeats himself. He means, rejoice!
Can you rejoice today, despite the fact that our lives in America were changed forever by the events that took place on
this day a few years ago? It may be extremely hard especially if you were directly affected by the tragedies that
took place that day. Do you think that Paul was speaking lightly when he commanded that we should rejoice always?
Did he mean only when things were going well? No, this was a man who had suffered great persecution and hardship.
He was the one who sang praises in a dark prison at midnight only to bring the mighty presence of God and find release. He
was the one who was stoned and left for dead.
Can we possibly rejoice today? We are more than grieved as we once again remember the death and destruction
of 9/11. We mourn with those who lost loving family members and friends. We also mourn the violation of America's
security and peace. But we can, and we must, rejoice in the fact that God still sits on the throne. We can do
that just as Paul did when he was chained up in that dark prison. At our midnight hour, we can rejoice in the fact that
God's Word to us is that nothing can separate us from His love. Paul was thoroughly convinced that nothing, not even
death, can separate us from God's love (Romans 8:38-39).
May today be a day of solemn reflection and remembrance of our great loss. But, more than that, may it be a day of
rejoicing because we know that the King of Kings is still in control. Nothing can separate us from Him. Evil and
hatred reared it's ugly head and is still raging but God has promised a place of peace and safety in Himself. He is our
strong Tower (Proverbs 18:10) . His banner over us is love (SS 2:4) . Do you believe that this morning? Then run to Him just as Paul did in times of confusion and persecution.
You will surely find shelter in the shadow of His wings (Psalm 36:7)!
This morning, if you would like to listen to a song of comfort, please visit the "Meet the Staff" page and
there you will be able to listen to "Under His Wings"
How does your pastor feel about you? Would he be able to say that you are his joy and crown? That's what Paul
said about the believers in Philippi. By crown, Paul was saying that they were his wreath of victory. He was intent
that they stay faithful and content. However, it appears that a couple of women had grown contentious instead of being
content! I hope that "content" describes you today.
Euodia and Syntyche appear to have worked hard fighting beside Paul to spread the gospel but something happened (Philippians 4:1-3) . Isn't that just like what happens sometimes today in our churches, care groups, etc. Half the time we
don't even know what happened. Suddenly, somebody or somebodies get an attitude. And it's not an attitude that
God is pleased with! Our poor pastors and leaders! All of a sudden that crown of victory is kind of tarnished!
Then, there is the rest of the group. Instead of spreading the good news of the gospel, they are now relegated to having
to help others keep cooperating.
Of course, disagreements will come from time to time but we can minimize their impact if we will keep our minds focused
on the contentment that only Jesus can bring. The two ladies mentioned above were at risk of disrupting the whole church.
This would have eventually impacted us since we are the ones reading about their activities now. Perhaps if they would
have kept their minds on those things which are good, pure, true, excellent, of good report, etc. (Philippians 4:8), their disagreement could have been averted. Even if they just concentrated on the meaning of their own names,
they might have been able to avoid being disagreeable. Euodia means, "prosperous journey" and Syntyche means,
"pleasant acquaintance". With names like that, what happened to the harmony? I wish you a prosperous journey today
as you think of things that will keep your attitude in proper adjustment and make you a pleasant acquaintance - even a sparkling
crown of victory for your spiritual leaders, especially Jesus!
Who are you following this morning? We follow lots of people. Many of us are tempted (not
you, of course) at times to follow those who are prominently displayed in the media. There are lots of examples
out there. Some are better than others but most are not all that great, despite the fact that they appear to have
it made. Paul boldly stated in Philippians 3:17 that we should follow him and those that walk by his example. Paul was jealous in a good way. He had
mentored many believers, including those in Philippi. He didn't want anything to poison their faith. There were,
and are today, teachers out there who Paul describes as really being enemies of the cross of Christ. That's why it's
a good thing for us to go right back to our own Bible and research things that we are taught. Lots of people are teachers
but not every teacher teaches truth.
We need not go around judging teachers but we should make sure we receive only truth. Paul was not so much
condemning as he was grieved because these people were bringing destruction upon themselves by their worldly and shameful
conduct (Philippians 3:18-19). In doing that, they were also a threat to the spiritual health of those that Paul loved, taught and nurtured.
There is one way to keep from becoming like these teachers and to keep our hearts and minds from being poisoned by the
bad things that are being taught even today. It is found in verse 20 of Philippians, Chapter 3. We must look for
the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ!
Are you looking for Jesus this morning? I'm sure you are. Otherwise, you would not be reading this. I'm
looking for Him too. We will find Him in His Word, in His creation and in the hearts of those believers that surround
us. One day we will see Him as He is and we will be changed to be just like Him. We will have a glorious body
just like His! (Philippians 3:20) Until then, let's follow the example of Paul and all the other men of faith that God has given us in His Word.
Keep looking for Jesus. Follow Him everywhere. You'll never go wrong. He promised never, ever to leave or
forsake you! (Hebrews 13:5)
Don't worry, I'm not asking about your biological age! Are you perfect? I really don't want to know what you
answered to that one either! Philippians 3:15 speaks about those of us who are perfect. According to the way we use that word today, that would leave me out.
Actually, Paul is talking there about those who are mature and experienced in their faith. Are you mature and experienced
in your faith? I'm not sure that we ever come to the place where we cannot grow and become more experienced, as
long as we are still living here on earth. Nevertheless, if we have faith, Paul is wanting us to hold
on to the convictions that he has laid out earlier in the book of Philippians. If you have been reading the "Morning
Manna" for a while, you will know all about that. Even if you have read it, going back to the Bible is
always a good thing. You can read Philippians, Chapter 3 to get the whole picture.
Unity in conviction is necessary since we all belong to the Kingdom of God. No kingdom can last if it is divided
(Luke 11:17). Paul is encouraging all Christians to walk in unity of conviction. However, he is not so insecure that he panics
if some are not yet totally mature in their attitude. He trusts that God will make things clear to them.
How often have you wanted to convince someone of the truth of the Word of God? That's a good thing. The trouble
is that we can't convince anyone. The Holy Spirit has to do it. Knowing that is part of being mature and
experienced. Once again, Paul turns out to be a wonderful example to us. He trusts God to change the
hearts of minds of others and does not seem to put anyone down because they have not yet received as much revelation as
he has.
Paul wants us to hold on to what we have already attained. Sometimes we want to run ahead and get more knowledge
and more revelation. But, what are we doing with what we already have? I once heard a well known preacher say
that people would ask her what she did if she didn't get a "new" word from God. Her answer was that she
would continue doing what He last told her to do! Sounds logical to me!!! Use what you have. Most of us don't
use half of the Word of God that we know. If we did, we would have a much greater influence in this evil world.
Please don't be offended by my saying this. I'm talking to myself (well, hopefully God is speaking to all of us)
even as I write these words. In Philippians 3:15 Paul says (Amplified Bible) that we should hold true to what we have already attained and walk in it, ordering
our lives by it. The word "walk" actually is a military word meaning, "to march in rank or keep step". This
is a picture maturity and unity of conviction. Can you just imagine the enemy trying to get through a solid rank
of marching Christians? Well, let's give it a try - "Onward Christian Soldiers!"
If you've ever taken a journey with children, you've heard it. "Are we there yet?" Lots of times! I suppose
that God has heard it too from his children. Maybe it is more times an assumption on our part than a question.
Sometimes we think, "Whew, I made it, I'm there." Well, that may be true for the moment but it's only a rest stop.
Paul says in Philippians 3:12 that he has not made it to perfection yet. If any human could have said he made it, it probably would have been
Paul. No, the journey does not end till we walk through the gates of Glory.
The journey through life is long and sometimes hard. There is no room for extra baggage and not enough energy to
carry it. I guess that's why Paul said, "but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind,
and reaching forth unto those things which are before (Philippians 3:13) ." I have been deleting things for a while now, both emotionally and materially. I feel so much lighter!
The race we run toward reaching the goal of being like our Savior is much easier run when we are not dragging a bunch of unnecessary
"stuff" along with us. It's pretty hard to travel these days. That is true in the spiritual realm too. The
less you have to carry, the easier it is. We may have had many accomplishments in the past or we may have had many failures
(or a mixture of both). Either way, if we are to take an example from Paul, we need to forget all of that and go to
the next thing God has for us to do. We can't sit on the laurels of achievement or the pity pot of failure. We
have to press on. There is a high calling of God for each of us. We must not miss it.
Are we there yet? Absolutely not. Are we on our way? By the grace of God, yes we are! Lord, help
us this morning to get up if we have stayed at a rest stop too long thinking we are at our destination. Help us to press
on knowing that You are calling us higher and higher each day until we finally reach Home. Help us, like Paul, to follow
after You so that we can be all that Jesus saved us for and wants us to be. Amen
What is it like to really know someone intimately? When we are married, we probably come closest to this kind of
relationship. But, it also happens with very close friends. If your husband or wife is suffering, you suffer too.
If they leave this earth before you do, a part of you dies too. When they are successful, you experience the power of
that success. Paul was so intent on knowing Jesus intimately. The Amplified Bible says he wanted to perceive
and recognize and understand the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly. Certainly, if we have
a close relationships here on earth, we can understand those feelings. Each of us is marvelously made and has a uniqueness
about us. It is wonderful to discover that uniqueness.
But, there is One that is unique above all others. He is the only one to be worshipped and yet, we sometimes pay
more attention to people and things than we do to Him. If we really stopped and looked back to see how He has been with
us and kept us through every trial and every pain, we would be as intent as Paul in wanting to come to know everything there
is to know about Him and the power that flows from His resurrection. It is that very same power that works in us (Ephesians 1:19-20). Who knows what that power has actually done in our lives? If you think it has not worked in your life, just
consider the fact that you are sitting here right now and able to read this devotional!
Not only did Paul seek to know Jesus's power but also His pain (Philippians 3:10) . True relationship shares, not only power but, pain. We have so many promises that we like to claim and
they are all true but Jesus also promised that we would suffer for Him (Matthew 5:10-12 and John 15:20). Paul was ready. It takes a while in our Christian life for that willingness to come about. There is a grace
that will come when the time to suffer comes if we are walking in the Spirit. That same power that raised
Jesus will be there to take us through the suffering. We all like the power part but it usually does not come before
the pain, and the passion of the crucifixion of "self". Paul had obtained all of that. He said, He was crucified
with Christ and he no longer lived but it was Christ who lived in him (Galatians 2:20). This was a life he lived totally by faith. Where are you in that walk this morning? The resurrection
power is there if you will accept the pain of suffering for Jesus if need be and the journey to the crucifixion of "self".
There is quite a danger in looking on the outside rather than considering what is on the inside. The Lord told
Samuel in 1 Samuel 16:7 that man looks at outward appearances while God looks at the heart. It comes so naturally to us since we
live in the natural world. We are pretty much driven by what we see and hear. With all the hype in the media today,
it's so easy to get hung up on outward appearances, whether it be politics, entertainment or even ministries. The
apostle, Paul, had great reason to look at all his "outside" abilities and qualifications. If I were to start to list
them, this would become too long. You can read about them yourself in all of his writings in the Bible. However,
he chose to give them all up when he finally realized that he could be nothing and do nothing compared with who Christ is
and what He has done.
What have you done in life that brought satisfaction, accolades, money, prestige, etc.? In and of these things,
there is nothing wrong, for it is God who gives us the power to obtain such things as wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18). This is so we can be a blessing to others. The problem arises when we place more emphasis on the
blessings than the One who gave them. Paul actually said that he considered everything that was important to him
before he had a personal encounter with Jesus as, "dung" (Philippians 3:8). You and I both know what that is in today's language!
Can we really declare, like Paul, that all our achievements, status and position are "dung" compared with knowing
Christ? If so, how much time do we spend acquiring these things, maintaining them and using them compared to the
time we spend acquiring a more intimate relationship with our precious Savior? I know, it's a hard question. It's
probing and it may be convicting. But it is loving and it is non-confrontational. Since you are probably sitting
in front of your computer right now reading this, no one is asking you to raise your hand or walk down a church aisle but
there is One who is always standing by your side waiting for you to commune with Him, to get to know him more intimately.
If you look with eyes of faith right past that computer screen He has blessed you with, you'll see what I see right
now - nail pierced hands reaching out to hold yours. If your spiritual speakers are turned up, you'll hear a still,
small voice calling, "Come unto Me"................What will you do this morning?
Where is your confidence this morning? I'm asking myself the same question. According to Philippians 3:3, it should not be in anything but in Jesus. If it is, we are most probably worshipping something besides God
who, is a Spirit. We are to worship Him alone in spirit and in truth (John 4:24).
We are to put no confidence in our flesh. Not in our appearance. Not in our position. Not in our possessions.
Not in our intelligence. Not in our talents. Not ion our abilities. Not in anything but Jesus. We
are to rejoice in Jesus. The word, "rejoice" can actually be translated, "boast". So, our boast cannot be in anything
of ourselves but only in Him (I Corinthians 3:21). Every day, as I write these little snippets, I try to proof-read them and send them to each of you who have requested
them by e-mail. I was just shown the practicality of the above when I found that somehow, I did not send you the e-mail
on August 30th or September 2nd. Then, as I re-read yesterday's, I noticed that I gave you a wrong scripture verse.
God always lets us see that we have nothing to boast about in ourselves! I hope you'll overlook my blunders.
Although we place no confidence in our own flesh, He is able to do great and mighty things in and among us. He is
content to let us frail human beings partner with Him in His Kingdom. What a privilege to be able to serve God.
What a wonder that He does not come down hard on us when we make a boo-boo. He just says, "Let Me help you up. Keep
on going and I'll always be with you - even to the end of the age". Real confidence begins right there!!
Are you saved today? Do you want freedom from bondage in this world and life in Heaven for eternity? Who wouldn't??
This seems like a rather tall order which might require a great deal of work on our part. There are people (even in
churches) who will give you "rules" and "formulas" to get you to Heaven. Don't believe it! Don't accept such a
burden. Paul calls such people "wicked" (Philippians 3:2). Wait.... If you have been under teaching that would give you a legalistic way of obtaining eternal life, don't
get all excited and stop reading - please!
Go to your own Bible and read Philippians 3:3. We should all check what people teach us. They are humans just like we are and prone to error. The Word
of God is true and without error (2 Timothy 3:16). It is our measuring stick, so to speak (Psalm 119:105). Jesus came down very hard on the Pharisees because they had incorporated so many traditions into the
Word of God that it became a great burden to the people (Mark 7:13). It was such a dangerous thing to do that Jesus went on to say that they made the real Word of God to be of no effect.
Not good!! Back to Philippians 3:3. In The Living Bible it says, we are helpless to save ourselves. It's all about Jesus. It's a gift.
Nothing you or I can do can earn it or buy it. Of course, after we receive the gift, we do things
because of our thankfulness. We don't work to get something. We do it because we have already got something!
The disciples once asked Jesus what their work was supposed to be for Him. Guess what He answered? I'm just
going to put it here straight from the Word. It's almost too simple. God is so very good. He does not put
burdens upon us as people would like to do. There are no rules except the rule of love. So, are you ready?
Here is what you have to do.
John 6:28-29 (Amplified Bible) 28 (AMP) They then said, What are we to do, that we
may [habitually] be working the works of God? [What are we to do to carry out what God requires?] 29
Jesus replied, This is the work (service) that God asks of you: that you believe in the One Whom He has sent
[that you cleave to, trust, rely on, and have faith in His Messenger].
So, go ahead, in this quiet moment, submit
yourself to Jesus, cleave to Him, trust in Him rely on Him and have faith in Him. It is life changing!!
Whatever happens, we're supposed to be glad (Philippians 3:1). Paul didn't feel it was wrong to remind believers of this again and again. So, I will remind myself again,
along with you!
Are you glad this morning? Can you give thanks no matter what circumstances you find yourself in? Not the easiest
thing to do, depending on where we find ourselves. But, God is good - ALL the time. His instructions to us are to
give thanks in everything (1 Thessalonians 5:18). We don't necessarily have to be thankful for everything but in everything. It's His will
for us because He has given us the gift of His Son, of salvation!
This is the day that the Lord has made. Rejoice and be glad! Are you in a difficult situation? He is
your deliverer! Are you sick? He is your healer! Are you confused? He is your counselor! Are
you anxious? He is your peace! Are you sad or grieving? He is your comfort! Are you afraid?
He is your strong tower, your refuge. Are you glad yet???
If you have received Jesus, all of these things are yours. If you have not made Him Lord of your life, why not do
it now? Then rejoice! Again, I say rejoice! He's everything you'll ever need for now and for eternity.
Now that's a good reason to be glad! Amen?
I was just chatting with my sister today about the fact that Paul never seemed to feel sorry for himself. He
had plenty of cause if you read the list of all the things that he endured in his life (2 Corinthians 11:25). He just seemed to roll with each adversity and continue to function in what God called him to do. Preach the
gospel. Not only did he not complain, he seemed to always be thinking of others. Epaphroditus was one of those
others. He was going back home to Philippi after having ministered to Paul in Rome where he became deathly ill.
He received mercy from God and recovered so he was able to return home.
Paul sent a message to the Philippians to welcome him home with love and great joy (Philippians 2:28-30). Because Epaphroditus had risked his life while trying to help Paul in Rome, Paul wanted to bring honor to him.
The other believers were not in a position to help Paul at the time because of the distance between them. Now they were
going to be in a position to honor Paul by honoring Epaphroditus who had served him so well, even when he was at death's door.
Paul not only wanted them to honor Epaphroditus but to honor people like him.
This might be something worthwhile for us to ponder today. Many work in and for the Kingdom of God. Most do
not really get the financial reward they would get in the business world for the same work. Nor, do they get the respect
and honor much of the time. We kind of take them for granted. Pastors, Sunday School teachers, worship leaders,
choir members, kitchen workers, child care workers, etc., etc. are examples of people to whom honor is due. Perhaps
this might be a good day to send someone a card, make a phone call, or give an offering just to say, "I want to honor
you because of your service to the Kingdom." Who has served in some way in your life? Give honor to whom it is
due - let them know you appreciate them and you care. There is One who has served you more than any other. There
is a popular worship song that says, "Amazing love, how can it be that you my King should die for me?" May we be found honoring
Jesus today and always!!
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