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1 Thessalonians 5:17 (New Living Translation) 17 (NLT) Keep on praying.
Yesterday morning, we looked at Ephesians 6:18 and talked about praying at all times and on every occasion. What a discipline! But what a privilege!
Can you imagine that the God of all creation really desires to hear us all the time and on every occasion? That is almost
unbelievable. Sometimes we feel that we don't have time to listen to others, especially if their thoughts and ideas
are not as lofty as ours. If you have small children with tons of questions, you will relate to how tiring it can be
to hear their incessant chattering and try to answer every query. However, our God desires to speak with us all the
time even though our thoughts are not His thoughts (Isaiah 55:8). Of course His thoughts are higher than our thoughts but He is willing to come down to our level and listen to us
when we are troubled. His patience with us is endless. And, He loves to hear us when we express our love to Him
in worship and praise! In His time, He will answer every prayer.
Again, in 1 Thessalonians, we find the instruction to "pray always." We have a God who is willing to let us call
Him "Abba" or "Daddy" (Galatians 4:6 KJV) . That is the same thing Jesus called Him when He was going through the darkest hour of His life in the Garden
of Gethsemane (Mark 14:36). He is more than interested in our lives and what happens to us. If you are in a dark hour, He is waiting
to hear you cry, "Daddy, I need Your help. I can't get through this by myself." We are so used to thinking
we are in control and yet we are really very dependent on our "Daddy". He is the Source of our very existence (Acts 17:28).
So, yes, we are to pray at all times and on every occasion and we are to keep on praying! Prayer is nothing more
than talking with your "Daddy". Yet, it is the privilege of talking with the Creator of everything that exists!
Abba Father, we come to you in the mighty name of Jesus today, asking You to help us to commune with you and keep talking
to you always and on every occasion. Thank you that you stoop low and listen to us even though you sit high. Thank
you for making us Your sons and daughters through the blood of Jesus.
Ephesians 6:18 (New Living Translation) 18 (NLT) Pray at all times and on every occasion
in the power of the Holy Spirit. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all Christians everywhere.
What is going on the back of your mind constantly? Is it thoughts concerning work or family? Is it lustful
thoughts? Is it worries? A better thing would be to be in constant communion with God. I like to think
of my mind as a sort of human computer. The program running in the background is communion with God or prayer.
I'm not always in this mode but it is the optimum for abundant life! And that's where I strive to be.
The Word of God tells us that we should pray always and at all times. This may seem like an
impossible task but I believe it is entirely possible if we have our mind set on things above and not things of this world.
It does not mean that we are always praying out loud. It just means that, in our hearts, everything we are doing and
saying is going to and through God. We are including Him in our dealings with others. Even while having conversations
with people, we can listen carefully to what they say and internally take things back to the Lord. We might pray for
them silently or we might need to pray for our self control if the conversation gets a bit confrontational. If we are
out shopping, we can pray for guidance in our purchases. There is never an occasion in our lives that would not be better
if it were covered in prayer.
Not only are we to pray always but we are to pray in the power of the Holy Spirit. If we are keeping in step with
the Holy Spirit, this will not be hard (Galatians 5:25). But it will require that we stay alert. We must always be on the look-out for the tricks and traps of the evil
one. We also need to be aware of the trials and tribulations of our brothers and sisters in the Lord since we are to
be persistent in our prayers for all believers everywhere.
Well, how do you measure up today? Are you praying constantly? Is your mind tuned in to God at all times?
Are you walking in the Holy Spirit so that when you do commune with God, you have the power of His Spirit? Are you alert
to what is going on around you in the evil realm? How about the needs of believers everywhere? Are you persistent
in praying for believers everywhere? These are questions that are between each of us and the Lord. Yes, they are
difficult. But, they really need to be addressed if we are to have the victorious life that God has promised. Today,
as you go about your duties, won't you purpose to include God in everything and commune with Him? He's a loving
and faithful companion!
Psalms 55:6 (New Living Translation) 6 (NLT) Oh, how I wish I had wings like a dove;
then I would fly away and rest!
Have you ever had situations in your life where you wished you could just escape? You would even be satisfied even
in a wilderness if you could have peace and rest? Many times trials and temptations come along. It seems as
if they will never go away. The "season" of trouble seems endless. The Psalmist was troubled here too and exclaimed,
"I wish I had wings like a dove. Then I would fly away and rest!" In this particular case, a close friend had
betrayed him. Perhaps that has happened to you. Sometimes it is those closest to us who can hurt us the most.
What can we do in times like this? The Psalmist chose to be confident in God. Seasons will come and go.
Some are seasons of trouble and temptation. But each season has its purpose (Ecclesiastes 3:1). If we run from God in such times or express our anger at God by grumbling and complaining, we will probably have
a longer season of trouble or more of them. If we choose to be like David and trust in God, knowing that nothing can
come into our lives without passing through His loving hands, that season will most likely be shortened. Even if
it is not, there are promises we can cling to. When we trust, grace will come to get us through to the end of the trials
victorious rather than victimized.
Jesus said, Come to me and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28). David realized in Psalm 17:8 that God would hide him under the shadow of His wings. Since we are all equal in God's sight, what He would do
for David, He will do for us too. We do not need to feel alone in these seasons. They come to everyone.
1 Corinthians 10:13 assures us that no matter what the temptation or trial is, God will give us a way out of it. We do not have to
give in to it. We can be victorious. Waiting on the Lord is the key to this. Psalm 33:18 (KVJ) says that His eyes are on us if we fear Him and wait with hope for His mercy. He certainly
is merciful and His mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-26). Finally, James 1:2-4 says we are to consider it all joy when these things come upon us. Through them God will test our faith and mature
us if we submit to Him.
Are you in a troubling time today? Hold fast to God. Do not lose your joy in the Lord. Know that you will come
out better if you do not lose heart and become bitter. Say to yourself, "This is the day that the Lord has made and I choose
to rejoice in it no matter what the circumstances" (Psalm 118:24). Then rest in the fact that God has promised to revive you and give you new strength after you have waited on Him
(Isaiah 40:31).
Proverbs 1:8-9 (New Living Translation) 8 (NLT) Listen, my child, to what your father
teaches you. Don't neglect your mother's teaching. 9 What you learn from them will
crown you with grace and clothe you with honor.
Listen to what your father teaches you says Proverbs 8-9. Also, don't neglect your mother's teaching. This is wonderful advice and every parent should look at that verse
and realize a sense of awesome responsibility. What are you teaching your children? What are you teaching your grandchildren?
Hopefully, they can read these verses and take them to heart. Hopefully what we teach them will crown them with grace
and clothe them with honor. Maybe we should do a self-check today and see if that is what is actually what we are doing.
If not, it is never to late to change. I have sown some bad seed and perhaps you have too. It will grow.
There will be consequences. But, when you start to sow good seed, that will grow too. If you sow enough good seed,
soon the weeds will be choked out. Of course, you have to pray diligently to God for the good seed to grow.
We need to pray too that other believers will come along and tend and water the seed when it shoots up. God is
faithful. Whatever we sow, we will reap. There can be nothing more satisfying and fulfilling than a parent
reaping the harvest of a child who is grounded in Jesus, productive, secure and happy.
Now what if you are someone who had (or has) parents who never got it? They never sowed much good into you (if
any). Maybe they even abused or neglected you. What do you do then? Well, God has said that He will take
you in (Psalm 27:10). You see, God always provides a way for us to be close to Him and to do what He commands. You may have been
through many trials. You may still be suffering from the effects of poor parenting. But, God will make a way for
you. He will not give you anything you can't handle. He will help you through. (1 Corinthians 10:13). You may feel like you can't get over the hurt. You may feel like you have not been given anything worthwhile
with which to pattern your life. But God will make a way of escape. You do not have to be a victim of abuse or
neglect. You can be a victor if you will cling to Jesus. He is your way of escape. You can forgive your
parents. You can learn from poor parenting also. You can learn how not to be with your own children.
If your parents weren't the best, you can still listen to what they said and taught. Because it was not so good, you
can make a decision to turn from it and do what is good. God says he is now your parent. Where could you receive
more love or any wiser teaching?
So, whether we are parents and grandparents realizing the responsibility we have to the next generations, or whether we
are children needing wisdom from previous generations, we can benefit from Proverbs 1:8-9. It gives us all so much to consider and a very high standard to keep.
Proverbs 1:7 (God's Word) 7 (GW) The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.
Stubborn fools despise wisdom and discipline.
Do you desire to have knowledge that will give your life meaning and make you fruitful? Then fear is a good thing.
The kind of fear we are talking about is not terror but a reverential respect. We would be foolish not to respect and
revere the One who made us. The self-existent One. Jehovah God. When we remember that all things are possible
with Him and nothing is impossible, it causes us to know that He can do whatever He wishes with us. Great praise to
Him. He is merciful. But, as a good parent, He desires and deserves our respect. When we give it to Him,
He responds by giving us the kind of knowledge we need to live a joyful, productive life.
On the other hand, fools despise wisdom and instruction. They tend to think they know it all. These are people
that God cannot and will not work with (except to continually offer them salvation by His grace). The word, "despise"
comes from a word meaning "to disrespect." When you think about it only a fool (a perverse person) would disrespect
His Creator. Yet, we all have times of foolishness. When we forget God because of worldly distractions, we
are not showing respect. God is a God of wisdom and instruction (meaning warning and chastisement among other things).
If you were accidentally walking out in front of an oncoming semi, would you be mad at your companion if he yelled a warning
to you? I don't think so. Would you pay attention? I think so. God is always calling out instruction
and wisdom to us. If we do not listen, we are being foolish.
What will it be today with us? Will we disregard God's warning and instruction from His Word and from His Holy Spirit?
Or, will we tune our ears to His voice and reverence His every Word to us? God is a gentleman. He leaves the choice
to us. In the end, we will reap either the reward of a person with His wisdom or that of a fool. That
doesn't make the choice too hard! Of course, we will strive to be wise and reverence our Maker! Have a wonderful
day listening to and walking in wisdom and instruction!
Proverbs 1:5-6 (New Living Translation) 5 (NLT) Let those who are wise listen to these
proverbs and become even wiser. And let those who understand receive guidance 6 by
exploring the depth of meaning in these proverbs, parables, wise sayings, and riddles.
Do you want to become wiser? According to God, we will if we listen to the proverbs He has given us in His Word.
He really wants to give us wisdom and has confirmed that in the New Testament as well. James 1:5 instructs us to ask God for it. Colossians 3:16 instructs us to let the words of Christ live in our hearts to make us wise and able to teach one another. As we
teach one another in the wisdom God has poured into us we will become wiser. Proverbs 27:17 assures us that, just as iron sharpens iron, we can sharpen one another.
Do you want to understand? Do you want to receive God's guidance? We can do both by exploring or studying the
depth of the meaning of the proverbs as well as the rest of the Word of God. Reading our Bible is a good thing but a
better thing is to study and meditate on what we read. We need to go deeper and deeper into His Word. God will
take us just as deep as we are willing to go. Remember Peter. He saw Jesus walking on the water. He wanted
to walk on the water with Jesus but first he had to get out of the boat (Matthew 14:28-31). Do you want to get out of the boat today and go deeper into God's word? Are you willing to keep your eyes on
Him and not on the distractions of this world? Peter was walking on the water until he was distracted by the waves.
Then his faith gave way to fear and he began to sink. We need to get into God's word, testing the Living Water for ourselves.
Sometimes we may get distracted and lose some ground. But, like Jesus did for Peter, He will get us on track again.
We may be tempted to fear as we understand the deeper things of God. But, as Jesus said just before the scene where
Peter stepped out of the boat, "It's all right. I am here! Don't be afraid." (Matthew 14:27)
Only through study, meditation and prayer can we explore the depth of the Word of God. We can really begin
to know Him intimately. As that happens, we will begin to understand Him more and be able to receive His guidance.
Can we go deeper with God? Yes, and that's exactly what He's waiting for!
Proverbs 1:4 (New Living Translation) 4 (NLT) These proverbs will make the simpleminded
clever. They will give knowledge and purpose to young people.
Discretion seems as if it is losing ground these days. There is so much enticement in the world that it can lure
those without it down a path that leads to death (Proverbs 16:25 KJV). The word, "simpleminded" really comes from a Hebrew word having within its meaning, "silly or seducible".
The root meaning has to do with deception, delusion, etc. It is also associated with being a fool. Of course we
know that it is the evil one who would seduce, deceive and delude us. God, in His infinite wisdom has given us the Book
of Proverbs so that we might not be simpleminded but instead have discretion. The word, "clever", comes from a Hebrew
word meaning, "discretion", "prudence," "subtlety," and "wisdom." It is taken from a root word meaning, "craftiness".
We are to be wise as serpents but harmless as doves (Matthew 10:16). This is because Jesus has sent us into the world as sheep in the midst of wolves. This is a great picture of
being "crafty" in a good way. We are to be in the world but not of the world just as Jesus was not part of this world
(John 17:16). We are not to work to be wise with this world's wisdom because it is foolishness to God (1 Corinthians 3:18-20). If we think we are wise, we become foolish in God's sight because we have deceived ourselves! Our wisdom
or discretion must come from God, Himself. He has given us His Word so that we can fill ourselves with His wisdom.
He has given us revelation by His Spirit so that we might have wisdom to counter the tactics of the evil one.
With wisdom and discretion, we need purpose. It is God's will that young people realize their purpose early on.
That is no wonder since it is so easy to be distracted by all the trappings of this world and end up having accomplished nothing.
If you have read Rick Warren's, PURPOSE DRIVE LIFE, you will have noticed that our supreme purpose is to become like our Savior.
But, Rick Warren was not the originator of this thought. 1 Corinthians 15:49 says that someday we will be like Christ. Romans 8:29 tells us that we are predestined to be conformed to the image of Christ. It is a life-long process and it is our
ultimate purpose.
Do you have discretion, knowledge and purpose? If not, the Book of Proverbs is a great place to start getting it!
Proverbs 1:3 (New Living Translation) 3 (NLT) Through these proverbs, people will receive
instruction in discipline, good conduct, and doing what is right, just, and fair.
How are you at receiving instruction?
I have to confess that sometimes I have a hard time. It takes humility to receive instruction. There is no room
for pride in the process. God wants us to be teachable. I once heard Dale Evans say that she studied the word,
"humility" and found it to mean "able to be taught." God has given us His Word that we might be taught of Him and of
His ways. The book of Proverbs will give us instruction in discipline, good conduct, and doing what is right, just and
fair (NLT). The Amplified Bible says it will give us instruction "in wise dealing and the discipline of
wise thoughtfulness, righteousness, justice, and integrity".
It is a wicked person and a proud person who refuses to accept instruction. In Psalm 150:17, God speaks to that sort of person. He says they hate instruction and cast His words behind them. Just imagine
if you were God and the one you created despised your instruction and threw your words to the wind. It's a good thing
I'm not God because I don't think I would have too much patience with that sort of behavior! Proverbs 1:7 says the foolish despise instruction (American Standard Version). Well, so far we know that prideful people, wicked
people and fools do not accept instruction. Not very good company to be in!
How about the positive side of this? Proverbs 9:9 says to give instruction to a wise man. It will make him wiser (ASV). 2 Timothy 3:16 says that every scripture inspired by God is profitable for instruction in righteousness (ASV). Proverbs 10:17 in the Darby Version says that keeping instruction is the path to life. There are many words contained in the
meaning of the word "instruction." They include, "chastisement," "warning," "rebuke," and several others. The
Bible (Hebrews 12:6) says that God disciplines those He loves and punishes those He receives as sons (or His children). I know.
At first, that does not sound too positive. However, it really is. It's all about love. Our Father loves
us too much to leave us in a less than sanctified condition. When He instructs us, and we can receive it thankfully and
joyfully, we will become wiser. Or, we can refuse the instruction and/or rebuke and play the fool. I
pray that today will find you and I accepting instruction, becoming wiser and finding the path to abundant life in Christ!
Proverbs 1:2 (New Living Translation) 2 (NLT) The purpose of these proverbs is to teach
people wisdom and discipline, and to help them understand wise sayings.
Long before Jesus came, God gave us the book
of Proverbs to teach us wisdom and discipline. Jesus was and is wisdom personified. He lived a life of discipline
when he walked this earth. He is our example of wisdom and discipline. I believe that wisdom comes from experience
gained from a disciplined life. In the great commission just before Jesus left this earth to ascend to heaven, His command
was to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19) . If we are disciples of Jesus, that means we have been disciplined or taught by Him.
Solomon, the largest contributor to the book of Proverbs, asked God for wisdom and it was granted to him. We
can also ask God for wisdom. In fact, if we feel that we are lacking in that area, James 1:5 says we can ask God. He will give it to us without finding fault in us for needing it. In other words,
He will not retort with, "you dummy, why don't you understand these things." However, we must ask in faith believing
that God will give it to us. If we do not totally believe that God will give it, we can expect to receive nothing (James 1:7). Here is where some discipline comes in. Are you disciplined in your faith today so that you do not become unstable
in all your ways? Have you disciplined yourself after the example of Jesus? Can you remember any time when God
did not answer Jesus? Yes, I know. God did not give Him an easy answer in the garden of Gethsemane. But
God did answer. Jesus, in His wisdom, knew His mission and was disciplined to fulfill it so that you and I could have
eternal life. So you and I could ask for wisdom and receive it.
Psalm 51:6 says that God will give us wisdom deep within ourselves, in the hidden part. Psalm 90:12 is a prayer that we might make the most of our days so that we can obtain a heart of wisdom. There is great wisdom
in counting each day as a gift and using it productively and efficiently. Psalm 111:10 indicates that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. If we fear God, we will come to Him through
Jesus in repentance and receive the gift of eternal life. There couldn't be any greater wisdom than that!
If you have wisdom, it will preserve your life (Ecclesiastes 7:12). Yes, if you receive Jesus, who is wisdom, you will preserve your life eternally! 1 Timothy 1:7 says that God has given us a sound mind, or to put it another way a disciplined mind. Wisdom and discipline are
close relatives. I can't figure out how you can even separate them. Is anything troubling you this morning? Discipline
yourself to a life of prayer. Ask God for the wisdom needed to come through your situation victoriously. Don't
doubt. Be disciplined enough to believe completely. Since God cannot lie (Numbers 23:19), your wisdom will come!
Isn't it nice to be remembered? As Paul closed his letter to the Philippians, he asked them to greet every believer
in Christ Jesus for him. Notice he said every believer. He did not specify those in a certain denomination or who
followed a certain preacher. All the believers who were with Paul remembered and greeted all the believers
in Philippi. The word used here for greet or salute comes from a Greek word having within its meaning, "to enfold in
the arms." Just think of what the Kingdom of God would look like if we all enfolded one another like that.
No devil in Hell could break through such a bond of love!
Of course, we all have different personalities and each denomination or non-denomination has its own focus concerning doctrine
and tradition. But, all who confess Jesus as Savior and Lord are of the same Kingdom. Of the same household.
We know that a house divided against itself will fall (Mark 3:25). So why don't we remember one another as they did in Paul's day? Why don't we overlook the non-essentials and
concentrate on the one essential - that of confessing Jesus Christ as Lord and living for Him (Romans 10:9)? I'm not sure except that in families, there is often such things as sibling rivalry and un-addressed conflict. Those
things put a wedge between members of the family. So it is in the Family of God. It does not have to be that
way though. Those who are mature in the faith should operate in mercy and grace with those who are young and inexperienced.
We should all operate in love toward one another (Luke 10:27).
As Paul did in Philippians 4:23, we should bless one another. So lets begin today. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen!
Giving for the purpose of spreading the good news of the gospel is giving to God. You can't out give God. Whatever
you give to Him, He will return to you with great interest. The Apostle, Paul, had joyfully received a gift from the
Philippian believers while imprisoned in Rome. In Philippians 4:17 he tells them that, more than his receiving the gift, he wanted them to receive a reward from God for their kindness
to him. Our gifts to support our local church, other ministries, missionaries, etc. are really gifts to God. It
is our opportunity to minister to those who minister to others. We are actually funding the work of the Kingdom, not
to speak of encouraging those who minister by helping to meet their needs.
The gifts we cheerfully give from a pure heart are, according to Philippians 4:18, a sweet-smelling sacrifice that God accepts and is pleased with. God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7). He does not want us to give grudgingly or because we feel forced. He wants us to give just what He has put
in our hearts to give. When we do that, He accepts our gift and it is a sweet smell to him just as the burnt offering
was in the past. Ephesians 5:2 says that Christ loved us and gave himself up as a sacrifice to God for us which was a sweet-smelling aroma.
Isn't it interesting that we too, can give a sacrifice to God and it will be received as a sweet-smelling aroma? Jesus
had to die. We can give what we have and God will accept it because the sacrifice Jesus made of Himself.
Do you find that just awesome that God would accept our gifts which are really nothing compared to the sacrifice of His
Son? I certainly do. In fact, I can't fathom it.
Paul goes on in Philippians 4:19 to let us know that if we are generous givers, God will supply all of our needs. He owns the cattle on a thousand
hills (Psalm 50:10) and is willing to meet the needs of His children who are mindful of the needs of their brothers and sisters.
2 Corinthians 9:8 gives us the confidence that God is able to provide us with every good thing so that we might have everything we
need to share in all the good works of the Kingdom. God will, indeed, supply all of our needs from His own riches which
have been given to us because of the sacrifice of Jesus. All of these things are so that God, Himself, might be
glorified (Philippians 4:20). Will you choose to glorify Him by giving to His Kingdom this morning?
So many ministries and ministers are in need here at home and around the world. Of course, our tithe should always
be given. Beyond that, we can be aware of brothers and sisters around us who are in difficulty. The Apostle
Paul was in great need while in Rome but he was not downcast and he did not beg or manipulate. He truly had learned
to be content whether in need or not. It was with great joy that he received a gift from those at Philippi to meet his
needs. The believers in Philippi were the only ones who were sensitive to his needs and collected a gift to send to
him. He had nurtured other local churches but none of them remembered him during his time of affliction (Philippians 4:15). How wonderfully encouraging it must have been to Paul just to know that his efforts were remembered and appreciated
by the Philippians.
How do you feel when trouble comes your way? Isn't it nice when someone remembers you with a card or something that
you need at the time? We all have much opportunity to remember ministries as well as individuals who are in difficulty.
The only question is whether we will be like the Philippians and do it or like all the other churches and ignore the need.
Galatians 6:7 tells us that we will reap what we sow. That, in itself, is good reason to be giving and helpful to those in need.
At one time or another, we are all in need of something. If you are not in need of something now, you will be one day.
Verse 8 goes on to say that if we sow to our own flesh (or selfishness) we will reap corruption. But, sowing into the
Spirit (or the spreading of the gospel) will yield eternal life. Who wants to reap corruption? Eternal life would
be the logical choice. Verse 10 continues by letting us know that we should do good to all men, but especially
to those who are believers. If we have been spiritually fed by a ministry or individual, it would be good to remember
them as the Philippians did for Paul. This morning would be a great time to begin to ask God to show us some ministry
or some person in need of what we might have to give. God has given us all something that we can share with others.
It may be money. It could be a talent, a skill or your time. It could be as simple as a smile, a visit, phone
call or a few groceries. You can be sure of this. Whatever God urges you to give will be returned to you many
times over if you obey His urging.
Do you have a battle to wage today? Is there a Goliath in your life? Most of us have something in our lives
that zaps our strength. Are you strong like David? I hope so. But, if you're feeling a bit weak today and
wonder if you can win the battle, there is hope! In Philippians 4:13, Paul says, "I can do all things in him that strengtheneth me." (ASV) He was encouraging himself. He was encouraging
you and me. He had just finished saying that he had learned to be content. Now he was letting us know that there
was no weakness that would ultimately conquer him.
David did the same thing. He encouraged himself in the Lord. 1 Samuel 30:6 tells us that he did it at one of the lowest times in his life. When you are discouraged or feeling
threatened and weak, do you run to the Lord or run away from Him? Do you look for encouragement and comfort in the things
of the world or in the things of God? It's very easy to run from God because there is so much in this world's system
that promises us energy, vitality, comfort and encouragement. Yet, none of that will do the trick. It will leave
us more empty than we were to start with.
Feeling a bit weak? Be encouraged. Nehemiah 8:10 tells us the joy of the Lord is our strength. Isaiah 40:31 let us know that if we wait on the Lord, He will renew our strength. Moses declared in Exodus 15:2 that God was his strength and His song. We can declare that too. Deuteronomy 33:25 tells us, "as thy days, so shall thy strength be." 1 Samuel 15:29 says God is the Strength of Israel. He is our Strength too! Psalm 18:39 gives account of how God girds us
with strength for battle. Psalm 27:1 says God is the strength of our life. Psalm 27:7-8 says God is our strength and shield as well as a stronghold of salvation. He is our refuge and strength - Psalm 46:1. He is the rock of our strength - Psalm 62:7. I would go on but this would become way too long! But, don't you feel stronger now? Go in the strength of
the Lord today! You, too, can do all things through Christ. He is even now strengthening you!
Being content in this very troubled world is not easy. It was not easy in the Apostle Paul's day either.
But, he said that he had learned to do so (Philippians 4:11). It's not a matter of just being content. It's a learning process. It comes from experience.
It comes from faith in the Word of God. Are you content this morning despite the circumstances and challenges in your
Paul had learned to be content by going through tough times. He had been persecuted and shipwrecked, beaten and imprisoned.
He had gone hungry and also been without things that he needed. In all of that, he was able to see by faith that God
was with him. He understood the fact that abundant life did not necessarily mean the absence of struggle. Real
abundant life is being content in whatever situation you find yourself. Why? Because your faith and trust in God
tells you that He is with you in all things and that He loves you too much to let anything happen to you that is not going
to turn out for good (Romans 8:28). Real contentment comes from knowing He will never leave us (Hebrews 13:5). Abundant life does not lie in money or things but in a content heart.
Paul said he knew how to be content whether he had more than enough or not enough. Sometimes being content when you
have more than enough is harder than when you have less than you need. More sometimes brings a lust for even more (1 Timothy 6:6-12). Contentment is a sign of balance. No matter which way the scales are tipped you remain dead center. Contentment
is a partner with peace. When we are truly content, we will have peace. The Message Bible, Proverbs 17:1 reads, "A meal of bread and water in contented peace is better than a banquet spiced with quarrels." This morning,
whether we are in harsh circumstances or easy, let's resolve to learn to be content!
There is a time and a season for everything. The apostle Paul alluded to this in Philippians 4:10 when he was speaking to the Philippian believers. They had wanted to send a gift to Paul, who was in prison, but
they didn't have the opportunity. They either lacked a messenger or the means to send the gift. But, when the opportunity
did arise, they were quick to serve in that way. The door of opportunity is always controlled by God. Sometimes
we lack opportunity to give or to serve in some way. That does not mean that we will never have the opportunity. It
is just not God's time.
Even though the doors of opportunity are controlled by God, we are given a choice to go through when the doors open - or
not. The Philippian believers could have just forgotten Paul when they realized they did not have the opportunity to
help him. But, they didn't. They waited and when the opportunity arose, they took it.
Have there been times when you really, really wanted to do a particular thing but the opportunity was not there?
Did you give up or get distracted and forget the dream that God put in your heart? Or, did you realize that in God's
perfect timing, opportunity would arise and wait expectantly for God to open that door? We usually have the dream or
vision before the opportunity arises. How we handle it determines whether it will come to fruition. What has God
put in your heart to do but you have lacked opportunity? Be encouraged today. His timing is perfect. Just
wait on Him and watch as you go about your daily routine. Keep working toward the desire He put in your heart.
When you see Him open the door, walk through. Your opportunity will come!
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