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 Luke 12:8-9 (American Standard Version)
8 (ASV) And I say unto you, Every one who shall confess me before men, him shall the Son of man also confess before the angels of God:
9 but he that denieth me in the presence of men shall be denied in the presence of the angels of God.

One day there will be a Heavenly court in session.  Jesus will be both defense attorney and prosecutor.  In Jewish imagery, there are angels present in that courtroom.  For those of us who have made confession of Jesus before men, He will defend us. The angels will be sitting there in the presence of God, the judge.  However, for those who refused to confess Jesus before men, they will be in the hands of the prosecutor.  As the angels watch to see what happens they will see a very sad picture here.

The word, "confess", has within its meaning the idea of covenant.  Jesus is the new covenant that gives us access to the Father.  What Jesus did on the cross was our way of salvation and entry into the new covenant.  When we confess Jesus before men, we indicate that we are a part of that covenant.  If we choose to deny Him before men, He says He will deny us before the angels in the courtroom of God.  This is not the way to go.  The word, "deny" has within its meaning, rejection.

This morning we have the opportunity to be in covenant with the Father who will be our final judge.  We also have the opportunity to deny Jesus and fail to enter into that covenant.  Life is filled with choices but the choice to confess the Son of God before men is the most important choice we can ever make.  Having once been in a legal battle in court, my husband and I had a great attorney.  However, watching him maneuver in court gave me a chill.  I knew that I was glad he was on my side!  I would not have wanted to face him as an opponent.  Nor would I want to face Jesus in all of His glory as an opponent  May it be that we who are believers realize the importance of living in such a way that our lives confess Him every day before men.  May we strive to make Him known as the Wonderful Counselor that He is to those around us.  In no way would we want to see anyone rejected in the courtroom of Heaven!    

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Matthew 24:30-31 (New Living Translation)
30 (NLT) And then at last, the sign of the coming of the Son of Man will appear in the heavens, and there will be deep mourning among all the nations of the earth. And they will see the Son of Man arrive on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
31 And he will send forth his angels with the sound of a mighty trumpet blast, and they will gather together his chosen ones from the farthest ends of the earth and heaven.

If you have heard (in your spirit) the voice of God calling you to repentance through the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ, you are chosen.  If you have received that gift of salvation, a day is coming when the things of this earth will no longer have any draw on your heart because God has planned something so much better.  A place of eternal rest and peace where no sin can enter in (Revelation 21:27).  The apostle John was given this vision while exiled on the Island of Patmos in his latter days.  An angel explained all these things to him for our benefit (Revelation 21:15).  Right now, the beautiful world that God has created for us has been quite abused.  Many have not had hearts of gratitude or remembered that they have a Creator.  They do not give glory to God but to themselves (2 Timothy 3:2).  Violence fills the streets and even schools and places of worship because of greed, lust and pride.  This happened once before in Noah's time (Genesis 6:11).  But, it will not always be that way. 

There is a time coming and many suspect it will be soon when Jesus will return to claim those who have been faithful followers.  The Bible compares that time with the time of Noah when violence and sin prevailed (Luke 17:26).  Unlike the flood in Noah's time, Jesus will come to take God's children home.  His angels will respond to the sound of a great trumpet.  They will carry out His command to gather us from everywhere upon the earth.  The following questions will most likely not be asked.  "What denomination are you?" "What position in the church did you hold?" "Are you a tither?"  "Did you sing in the choir?"  "Did you cook in the church kitchen or care for the children in the nursery?"  These may be good and valid questions.  But when Jesus comes, they should not need to be asked.  The choice has already been made.  Every day of our lives, we make the choice to follow God with a reverent heart and servant spirit - or not

When Jesus commands His angels to gather us up from the far corners of the earth, there won't be any time for explanations or excuses.  There will be no time for prideful discourses of all that we have done for Him.  He already knows our hearts and He has already seen what we have done and knows our motives.  He is watching for our obedience every day and every night.  Lets ask God today to sink that truth deep into our hearts.  This, and every day God gives us, is a preparation day for the coming of Jesus and our ride with the angels to our Heavenly home.  When that great trumpet sounds and the angels descend may we be ready, having made the choice to love and serve Him every moment of every day that He gives us.

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Psalms 148:2 (The Living Bible)
2 (TLB) Praise him, all his angels, all the armies of heaven.

There is a lot of emphasis these days on music in the church.  Many would not want contemporary music.  Many do not want traditional music.  But, music has always been a part of God's Kingdom.  Angels have always praised God. The exception now is Satan and his fallen angels.  Before his fall, Satan had been in charge of leading the angels in worship before the throne of God.  Unfortunately Satan became proud of who he was, not acknowledging that he was only who he was because God created him that way.  Pride entered into Satan.  We all know what happens when pride enters our lives.  It causes a fall (Proverbs 16:18).  After his fall, God created man and breathed His breath into the form He had made from dust.  At that point, Satan realized that he would never again hold the high position he had enjoyed previously.  God had given his position to mankind.

Wow!  We, as believers, have the privilege to join with the holy angels and sing in chorus before the throne of God.  We are the ones who now can come and bring a sacrifice of praise to the Father.  If you are among those who will praise the Lord, you will most certainly come under attack by the enemy.  Satan is not happy about losing his job.  I would suspect that he is not happy about anything. He would like to keep you and me the in that position too.   But God says that He has not given us a spirit of fear.  He has given us power.  He has given us love and He has given us a sound or disciplined mind. (2 Timothy 1:7).  God would have us to be a joyful people (1 Thessalonians 5:16).

The sound of praise is pleasant to the ears of God.  And why not?  He created heaven and earth and all that is in them (Psalm 148:5) .  That's good reason for praise.  He commands praise from everything He created and the Bible says those orders will never be revoked (Psalm 148:6).  He is worthy of all of our praise (Psalm 148:13).  God has made Himself worthy of all of our praise.  He has given us the privilege to sing with the angels who have remained faithful to him.  Whenever we feel stifled, we can know that is from the pit of Hell where Satan and his fallen ones have been cast down.  Depression will cause you to look down.  The cure?  Look up!!  By faith, hear the Heavenly chorus singing, "Holy, holy, holy.  Lord God almighty.  Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee."  Join right in.  Don't worry about how you sound.  Sing the message.  God doesn't care if it's in contemporary style or traditional style.  He just wants you to sing from your spirit and magnify Him.  It will blend right in with the Heavenly army of angels.  Lets join the praise team today.  No auditions required.  The only qualification is a contrite heart and a spirit of gratitude to a powerful and loving God.

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Luke 2:14 (The Living Bible)
14 (TLB) "Glory to God in the highest heaven," they sang, "and peace on earth for all those pleasing him."

From the time we are born to the time we die, God is watching out for us.  He uses His angels to help us from beginning to end.  We know that Jesus indicated that we are to become as little children in order to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven (
Matthew 18:3).  We also know that Jesus loves little children and wants them to be brought to Him (Luke 18:16).   Scripture indicates that we should never be the cause of a little one's stumbling.  I think it is speaking of both biological age and spiritual age here.  Matthew 18:10 says that in Heaven their angels look to the face of the Father.

As we venture through life, the angels minister to us just as they did to Jesus in when He was on earth (Mark 1:13).  They are sent to encourage us as they did for Paul (Acts 27:23-25).  They are sent to protect us (Psalm 91:11).  They lead and direct us as to our service for God as they did for Phillip (Acts 8:26).

Then at the end of our lives, angels carry us to the Father and our everlasting rest and home (Luke 16:22).  Having had the privilege of being with my mother and my mother-in-law when they were going through the valley of the shadow of death, I saw this first hand.  Both women saw angels in their rooms and spoke in detail about them.  I did not see them but I knew they were there.  Their usual message was in the air - "do not fear."   At the moment of death, they ushered peace into the room. Yes, we serve a mighty God who has created the angels just a bit above us for the moment and they truly do watch out for us from birth to death and every place in between.  We do not worship them.  We worship the One who made them and gave them orders to care for us.  This morning let's join with angels in singing, "Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth to men who please Him."   (Luke 2:14

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Romans 8:38-39 (King James Version)
38 (KJV) For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Angels are very powerful creatures.  We are made just a bit lower than they are  (Hebrews 2:7).  When Jesus walked the earth for us He became, for a time, a little lower than the angels (Hebrews 2:9).  But now He is crowned with glory and honor. Although we are made a bit lower than the angels, God's thoughts are toward us.  He thinks of us and cares for us.  Most of all He loves us.  I once read something that said, "If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be stuck on it."  We are His beloved children. 

Angels fight heavy battles in realms we can't even see (Daniel 10:12-13) .  They are powerful and mighty.  They are God's Heavenly hosts.  But, there are a few things they cannot do.  Everything God created is necessary and has a place in His creation.  Although the angels answer God's call to fight for us when we have humbled ourselves as Daniel did (Daniel 10:12), they are helpless when it comes to separating us from the love of the Father.

In so many ways, angels are much more powerful than we are, yet because of Jesus, our Savior, they are totally unable to separate us from the love of the One who created us.  What a blessing this morning to know that nothing can separate us from the love of God.  As I was thinking about this and meditating on it, I was going to write that only we can separate ourselves from it by not receiving it.  However, since God's Word is true and final, it seems to me that nothing, but nothing can separate us from the love of God.  If we choose not to receive it, it is still there.  God is love (1 John 4:8).  His love and mercy endure forever  (Psalm 100:5).  Whether we choose to receive it or not, it will never fail.  It will always be there no matter what we have done.  What will you choose this morning?  Look up by faith and see those nail-pierced hands reaching down to you in love.  Not even the angels can prohibit you from reaching back in humble response!

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Luke 1:11 (New Living Translation)
11 (NLT) Zechariah was in the sanctuary when an angel of the Lord appeared, standing to the right of the incense altar.

Zechariah was a priest and he ministered to God as it became his turn.  He was obedient to God's commands and was going about doing his duty one day.  While in the sanctuary alone, an angel appeared to him.  As happens with most angelic appearances, Zechariah was full of fear and fell at the angel's feet.  But, also as happens with most angelic appearances, some of the first words that came from the angel were, "don't be afraid."   The angel then announced that Zechariah's prayers had been heard.  Even though he and his wife were old and she had not been able to conceive a child for many years, the angel brought the message from God that they would have a son.  They would be filled with joy at last. 

The experience was so overwhelming for Zechariah.  He had trouble believing so the angel  declared that he would not able to speak until the special child was born (Luke 1:20).   The angel also announced that his words would come to pass at the proper time.  Zechariah then proceeded to fulfill his duties at the temple before he returned home.  After Zechariah's return home his wife, Elizabeth became pregnant but she stayed in seclusion for five months.  This same angel, Gabriel, had by this time made another visit to a young virgin by the name of Mary.  Like Elizabeth, Mary also conceived a child but not by means of a man.  The Holy Spirit did a work in her and she found that the message of the angel was indeed true.

What are we doing this morning?  Zechariah was a priest of God.  As believers in Jesus, we have a once and for all High Priest who stands in the presence of God.  We are all priests under him.  We are sent out under his command to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19).  Meeting with God alone in the sanctuary of our heart and in corporate worship in  sanctuaries we have built for that purpose is vital.  If God has spoken to us through an angel or otherwise, we should do just as Zechariah did - continue in the work He has given us to do.  We can learn a lesson from Zechariah in a couple of ways.  We must not stumble in unbelief when we hear a message from God.  And, we must be consistent in our devotion to him even if we find ourselves to have failed a test here and there.  As the angel announced, God has heard our prayers and the answer will come at the appropriate season.  With some messages from God, we must do like Elizabeth and let it remain a secret for a time while God prepares us.  Are we ministering to God this morning?  Are we grounded in believing His message?  Are we patiently waiting, knowing God has heard our prayers?  Are we expecting to see His words to us fulfilled in His proper season?   

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Matthew 2:13 (New Living Translation)
13 (NLT) After the wise men were gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. "Get up and flee to Egypt with the child and his mother," the angel said. "Stay there until I tell you to return, because Herod is going to try to kill the child."

Angels, being God's messengers, can appear at any time.  The time and the place is of God's choosing.  Nothing is impossible with God.  All things are possible with Him. For Joseph, God chose to appear to him in dreams.  Joseph must have been a man sensitive to the moving of God's spirit.  Even when he was asleep, he must have had his mind on God's will and purpose and he was able to see the angel that God sent at least three times.  The first time was when the angel appeared to Joseph and told him not to be afraid to take Mary for his wife even though she was already pregnant by the power of the Holy Spirit.  Thinking back on that time, how hard it must have been for Joseph.  First, he had to believe that God sent that angel to him.  He had to believe that God put the dream in his heart.  Second he had to believe what the angel said.  Third, he had to have the courage to do what the angel commanded.

At least twice more, an angel appeared to Joseph, each time in a dream.  Each time there was a specific message and each time Joseph was required to believe and obey.  He passed the test each every and every time.  If he had not, we might not have a Savior today.  The angel was sent to protect Jesus from evil until such time as He could complete the ministry that God sent Him to perform. 

Has God put a dream in your heart?  Maybe you have seen an angel in your dreams or maybe an angel has just spoken to you softly in your sleep, whispering, "Don't be afraid, God has called you to _______________ (you fill in the blank).  Have you believed and obeyed?  Or, does fear of success or failure keep you from fully carrying out the ministry God has placed in your heart?  Like Joseph, we can get up and follow that dream.  We can play a part in God's plan to redeem the world.  What will it be this morning?  God says, "follow that dream."

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Numbers 22:22 (The Living Bible)
22 (TLB) But God was angry about Balaam's eager attitude, so he sent an Angel to stand in the road to kill him. As Balaam and two servants were riding along, Balaam's donkey suddenly saw the Angel of the Lord standing in the road with a drawn sword. She bolted off the road into a field, but Balaam beat her back onto the road.

Angels are real but sometimes our eyes are not opened to them.  That's what happened with Balaam.  Balaam was about to do something he knew was not right in God's sight.  He said one thing but intended to do another.  Pressure from others had him on the fence.  That's not a good place to be.   He was asked by King Balak of Moab to curse the Israelites because there were so many of them.  King Balak was afraid he would be overcome by them because there were so many.

Pressure from others and perhaps financial gain had lured Balaam into a very dangerous position.  He had asked God whether he should curse the Israelites once and God had said, "No, because I have blessed them." (Numbers 22:12).  Balaam then sent his refusal to King Balak.  Balak represents our enemy, Satan here.  Satan wants to curse every child of God.  He will use any means to bring that about.  He will try to wear children of God down so that he might use them for evil.  Balaam got worn down.  Instead of letting his "no" be "NO," he listened to yet another group of ambassadors sent by Balak.  This time he said he would not do anything contrary to God's command but he was dangerously on the verge of caving in.  He was playing with fire and about to get burned.  Instead of sending them away once and for all, he told them to stay so he could find out if the Lord would add anything to, "No."

One of my dear friends told me one time that God answers prayers in three ways, "Yes," "No," and "If you insist."  Balaams's answer this time was, "If you insist." (Numbers 22:20)   This is not the kind of answer you really want from God.  Well, God apparently became angry about Balaam's refusal to take no for an answer and sent an angel to stand in the road to kill him.  Balaam's eyes were blinded to the angel.  He was not walking in God's perfect will so he was not seeing from God's perspective.  But his donkey was another story.  She saw the angel and tried to get away - twice.  The third time, she just laid down under him.  Balaam beat her each time.   Then God did something very strange.  He caused the donkey to speak! (Numbers 22:28)  After having been spoken to by the donkey, the Lord opened Balaam's eyes and he saw the angel too.  (Numbers 22:31)  When things do not appear to be happening like we expect, it might be a good idea to take a lesson from Balaam and his donkey.  Are we walking in God's will?  Have we insisted on something in prayer knowing His answer was, "No" in the first place?  Whatever it is that is trying to stop us may not be as dumb as it appears! 

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Luke 15:10 (New Living Translation)
10 (NLT) In the same way, there is joy in the presence of God's angels when even one sinner repents."

What causes you to rejoice today?  There may be bunches of things, considering we are in the Christmas season.  Then again, this is also the season when people are most likely to be depressed, especially if the circumstances of life have been hard.  We all want to rejoice but sometimes it seems as if there is nothing to be happy about.  First of all, happiness comes from what "happens"  on the outside in your life.  Joy comes from what is inside you.  If you could have anything you wanted this Christmas, what would it be?  What would make you rejoice?

I'll tell you what.  If you offered me a million dollars or the eternal salvation of one of my children or grandchildren, I'd opt for the salvation!  The angels have a handle on this.  They are not distracted by worldly pleasure and needs and they heartily rejoice every time just one sinner repents! (Luke 15:7).  They're in tune with the will of God and the mission of Jesus - to bring His kids home!  I imagine it gets pretty loud in Heaven when all those angelic beings start rejoicing.

You know, it's on record that the angels are not really quiet about their rejoicing.  I know there is a time to be silent and be still before God (Habakkuk 2:20).  I believe this is a sort of rebuke to those who had been worshipping idols and doing all sorts of evil things.  The angels, however, shouted for joy when the earth was formed (Job 38:7).  When Jesus was born, they made lots of noise again out there in the fields rejoicing mightily (Luke 2:13-14).  They sang or shouted praise to God - loudly!  Now angels don't really know what it's like to receive the gift of salvation but we do.  We don't deserve a beautiful world to live in.  We don't deserve a Savior.  But, we are the reason God sent His Son to die.  We are the beloved of the Father.  This Christmas season, wouldn't you like to raise your voice a bit and rejoice loudly with the angels?  If you are still living here on earth, breathing and enjoy the salvation of our Heavenly Father, join forces with the angels - REJOICE!

If you aren't sure you have salvation, won't you bow your head this morning, confess the fact that you're a sinner and ask Jesus to save you?  You can do nothing to earn it.  It's a gift - what a marvelous Christmas gift!  When you do that,  you will set off a wave of  angelic rejoicing in Heaven! 

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Hebrews 1:13-14 (The Living Bible)
13 (TLB) And did God ever say to an angel, as he does to his Son, "Sit here beside me in honor until I crush all your enemies beneath your feet"?
14 No, for the angels are only spirit-messengers sent out to help and care for those who are to receive his salvation.

These days, angels are very popular.  People wear them as jewelry.  You see them on all kinds of stationery and greeting cards.  There is a lot of misconception about them.  But, they are real.  Many people worship them.  They might not think that they do but, whether consciously or not, they place them on the same level with Jesus.  God did not intend it to be that way (Colossians 2:18).  At no time should we worship anyone but the Father, Son and Holy Spirit who are one (Exodus 34:14).  Angels are creations of God, created for His specific purposes .  One of those purposes is to be spirit-messengers that take care of those in line to receive salvation. 

Perhaps you have had them take care of you when you needed help either because of your poor choices or because of an attack of Satan, our enemy.  Or, maybe you have loved ones who have not yet come to the knowledge of salvation.  The angels are sent out at God's command and we can call upon Him and ask Him to send them out to protect and guard those we have been praying for.  I do that for my children and grandchildren all the time.  This world is a very dangerous place to live in today, especially for young people (2 Peter 3:3).  They may put themselves in jeopardy without even knowing it .  Because we have committed (2 Timothy 1:12) them to the Lord and asked for Him to open their eyes to His love and salvation (2 Peter 3:9), we can also ask Him to send angels to guard them until such time as He sees fit to give them eyes to see and ears to hear.

When one of my daughters was in her teens, she had gone out on a date.  However, I did not know exactly where she was.  Having a slight show of temper, she left her date and sat down on a curb to pout.  There was an accident in the intersection where she was sitting.  One of the cars flew through the air, over her head, and landed upside down just behind her.  Another few inches and she would not have had the opportunity to grow into the beautiful Christian woman she is today.  I did not find this out until much later when she finally got the courage to tell me the story but faith tells me that my God was looking out for her even when I could not control the situation.  He had sent his angels to protect her from death or disfigurement that evening.  There is nothing too hard for God and He will do whatever is necessary to protect us so that we might obtain eternal life.  Go ahead, ask Him today to dispatch His angels to watch over those you have been praying for.  His Word says that whatever you ask, believing, you will receive (Matthew 21:22).  Faith also tells me that, had it been that my daughter was taken that night, He would have dealt with her soul before it happened.  He is the God of salvation (Psalm 3:8) and He uses His angels to help bring it about! 

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Acts 12:6-7 (The Living Bible)
6 (TLB) The night before he was to be executed, he was asleep, double-chained between two soldiers with others standing guard before the prison gate,
7 when suddenly there was a light in the cell and an angel of the Lord stood beside Peter! The angel slapped him on the side to awaken him and said, "Quick! Get up!" And the chains fell off his wrists!

Many people have reported stories of having been saved from something awful by angelic beings. Some have not even known that the beings were present but they made themselves known to would-be attackers.  God tells us that angels will protect us (Psalm 91:11).  Satan used this same verse in Luke 4:10 to try to tempt Jesus to do something that was not in God's plan.  When we walk according to God's plan, we can be sure that we are protected.  Peter's release from prison was just in time.  He was about to be executed.  Even though man had a plan, God decided otherwise.  It is the same with you and me.  I notice that the angel did not come ahead of time.  He came just before Peter was about to be executed.  But, he came suddenly.  God is usually not early and never late but He's always just in time.  How our faith is stretched sometimes but then deliverance comes.  Sometimes it comes at the hand of one of God's heavenly messengers.

My husband and I had just had dinner several years past in Mexico and were walking down a narrow street back to our hotel.  We had to walk single file since there was hardly enough room for us and for the cars to pass. On the side where we were walking, there was nothing but a swamp to our right leaving no way to escape.  A car came down the road and before I knew it, the back door flew open and someone grabbed me and tried to pull me into the car.  Suddenly it was as if I was pulled away from them.  The car sped off leaving me shaking in my boots.  However, I was still there!  For years, I was just thankful for the fact that I was not kidnapped and who knows what else.  As I began to think about the work of God's messengers, I realized that I was probably saved from harm by one of them that awful night. 

Peter did not realize that he had been delivered by an angel. It wasn't until after he found himself safely away from his captors that he finally knew what had happened.  He had to come to himself first.  He thought he must have been having a vision.  In other words, he had to pinch himself to be sure it was true.  That's exactly how I felt and how others have felt after being delivered from a precarious situation. Peter finally came to himself and knew what had happened (Acts 12:11).  However, when he knocked at the door where the other believers had been praying for his release, they too had trouble believing that he was really there! (Acts 12:13-15).  When we have such experiences, perhaps we should be like Peter who reported his experience and then told them to go and tell the others.  They must have been strengthened in their faith knowing that God had answered their prayers sending His personal messenger to bring about deliverance.  This morning, be encouraged.  God is the same yesterday, today and forever.  Just keep walking in His will.  He has given His angels charge over you too. 

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Hebrews 13:2 (The Living Bible)
2 (TLB) Don't forget to be kind to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!

Do angels appear today?  I'm going to stand on the Word of God and say, "yes!"  Why?  Because the Word tells us not to forget to be kind to strangers because they might be angels.  The Message Bible says to be ready with a bed and a meal for someone in need.  You may never know that you have provided for an angel!  In the Bible, angels usually appeared in the form of men as with Abraham, Lot and Manoah.  Since the verse we are looking at today comes from the New Testament, we may still have the opportunity to entertain angels and be totally unaware of it.  However, the blessing will come from it. 

Angels are messengers sent from God.  For Abraham, they were sent to deliver the promise of a son, Isaac  (Genesis 18:1-210).  For Lot, the angels came to warn him to leave Sodom and Gomorrah because God was going to destroy them (Genesis 19:1).  He was later led literally by the hands of the angels out of the place of destruction (Genesis 19:16).  In the case of Manoah, an angel had appeared to his wife who was barren and promised her a child.  She went and got her husband and the angel spoke to him confirming the promise.  In all three cases, these people were hospitable and offered the angels food and or a place to stay.  

I had an experience in McDonald's, of all places, when my children were younger.  One of my children was with me at the time.  He was particularly rebellious and I was very sad and frustrated.  It seemed that I could not get through to him about the Lord.  There he was, standing there with me sulking in all his rebellious glory looking like something the cat had drug in.  Out of nowhere a little lady in a long coat, looking like she stepped out from anther era, appeared.  She was only steps away from us when I saw her.  She walked right up to this rather large surly looking boy and said, "You need Jesus."  With that she was gone.  I didn't see where she went.  I didn't even have time to offer her a McDonald's hamburger or fries.  I looked around but couldn't find her.  However, she delivered a message that was much needed.  How thankful I was that God was looking out for my son and for me!  Do I believe that angels appear today?  You better believe it!          

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Hebrews 11:40 (New Living Translation)
40 (NLT) For God had far better things in mind for us that would also benefit them, for they can't receive the prize at the end of the race until we finish the race.

The eleventh chapter of Hebrews, or sometimes called, "The Hall of Faith," mentions several people by name and gives us a way to go back into scripture to see just how their faith enabled them to do great things.  However, it also says that there would not be enough time to mention them all (Hebrews 11:32).  From verse 33 to the end of the chapter, the writer of Hebrews outlines many of the things these unnamed people went through by faith.  Not all of them lived.  Some chose to die, even by torture, rather than turn from God (Hebrews 11:35-38).  Both in living and dying, those mentioned in The Hall of Faith truly went through by faith.  All of these are powerful stories and exhibit the great power of God which is unleashed by our faith.  However, these are not just stories. They are placed there to urge us on.  To encourage us to live such lives. 

Each of us has a life-story.  I don't know anyone who has not had difficulties and hardships in their story.  For some, those things lead to a turn away from God.  For others, a turn toward Him.  When these things come upon us, the only way we can turn to God is by faith.  Faith trusts, obeys and finishes the race despite what physical eyes see.  You have probably known at least one person like that in your life.  Maybe you did not understand why certain things happened in their life.  Maybe they didn't understand either.  Yet by faith, they trusted, obeyed and finished the course.  This is just like those mentioned in Hebrews 11:40.  They were not alive to see the "better thing" which is Jesus, the Savior of our souls.  But it appears that, by their faith, they will receive the reward when we all receive the eternal life with God that we are promised.

How are you doing in this race?  Have you had troubles and trials that have tempted you to turn away from God and seek solutions in this world's system?  Be encouraged and turn back.  Jesus is the Way and He is found by faith (John 14:6). Childlike faith (Matthew 18:3).  Remember what it was like to be a child?  You trusted your parents and believed everything would be all right.  (If you have come from an abusive home or suffered from neglect, that was not a picture of your Heavenly Father.) You didn't worry about your next meal, your clothing, your shelter.  When you hurt yourself, you ran to Mommy or Daddy for a kiss, hug or band-aid.  If you were scared in the night, you called for them.  You just trusted. And you grew.  That's the way it is with our faith in our Heavenly Father, only very much better.  We need not worry.  We need not fear.  We just have to trust and run to Him with all of our needs knowing that He is able and willing to supply them (Philippians 4:19).  Faith seeks Him first (Matthew 6:33).  When our concerns are shifted from our own needs and fears, we will be able to finish the race (Hebrews 12:1).  Then, like the prophets of old, we will be ready when Jesus comes for us. Together with those in the Hall of Faith, we will receive the reward!    

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Hebrews 11:31 (Amplified Bible)
31 (AMP) [Prompted] by faith Rahab the prostitute was not destroyed along with those who refused to believe and obey, because she had received the spies in peace [without enmity].

God has always had a place for women of faith.  However, we tend to think of women of faith as being - well... rather, shall we say perfect?  Of course, when faith does its work, the perfection of holiness does take place.  However, God is not beyond using those who have not yet arrived.  Faith is something that comes out of your heart and is not necessarily measured by outward appearances.  At least this was so in the case of the heroine of faith that took in the Israelite spies and hid them in her home in Jericho. 

Somehow Rahab, by faith, knew that Jehovah had given the land to the Israelites.  She confessed Jehovah as God of all(Joshua 2:9, 11).  There's just one problem.  She was a harlot.  Oh my, this woman of faith was a harlot! (Joshua 2:1)    But, the key factor is - she had faith.  Jesus made a comment about harlots in Matthew 21:31-32.  Notice he said that harlots may enter the Kingdom of Heaven before those who just talk about His will but don't do it.  Rahab put her life on the line by aiding God's people.  In return, when Jericho was destroyed, she was saved and all her family that were in the house with her (Joshua 6:17).  We can be fairly sure that her relatives were not believers but, as she exercised her faith, those with her were saved from destruction.

God is so good.  Rahab was not only saved from destruction.  She was given a place of great honor because of her faith.  She most likely grew in that faith after the destruction of Jericho.  She was married to a Jewish person by the name of Salmon.  Then we find her again.  This time in the New Testament.  This time it is in the lineage of Jesus!  (Matthew 1:5)  As they might say today, "you've come a long way baby!"  Rahab may have been a harlot to begin with but Jesus was not ashamed to be identified with her.  God did not hesitate to use her in the birth line of His own Son.  When push came to shove, Rahab identified herself with God's people by faith.  Then she exercised that faith by protecting the Israelite spies (James 2:25).  All through the New Testament, Jesus did great miracles for women of faith.  Some were sick, some were immoral but their faith brought them close enough to be touched by and have a personal relationship with the Son of God.  This morning is your faith bringing you into a closer and more personal relationship with Jesus?  It doesn't matter what you have done in the past.  When He touches you, all things become new.  If you're down, out and dirty, He will lift you up, put you in a good place and clean you up.  I'm not just talking about the outward things you do either.  I'm talking about the attitude of our hearts and minds as well.  Faith is the deciding factor as to whether God can use you or not.  He's not necessarily looking for those who are perfect but for those who have faith.  If we have faith, He will do a perfecting work in and through us!  OK ladies, go for it!  Faith is the victory that overcomes the world.   Men, you go for it too.  Examples are always good!!      

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Hebrews 11:30 (Amplified Bible)
30 (AMP) Because of faith the walls of Jericho fell down after they had been encompassed for seven days [by the Israelites].

Walls can be very intimidating.  They can seem ominous.  When the Israelites came to Jericho and saw the walled city of Jericho, it seemed a contradiction of God's promises.  In fact, it was described as "walled up to  heaven." (Joshua 6:1)   Joshua went from the camp in the night to view the place the Israelites were supposed to defeat.  While pondering just what they were going to do, an angel appeared to him in the form of a warrior.  Joshua, perhaps wondering if this was someone from Jericho, asked whose side the warrior was on (it would seem that he didn't realize that it was an angel until later).  The answer was astounding.  The angel answered that he was on neither side!  (Joshua 5:13-14)  He identified himself as a commander of the army of the Lord.  The Lord is on the Lord's side.  He shows no favoritism (Romans 2:11).  But,  He will send His angels to help those who have faith in Him as we fight the battles in this life (Psalm 91:11).

Are you up against a wall today?  It doesn't matter what the wall is.  It may seem like a wall that reaches to heaven and blocks you from something you know in your heart that God has promised you.  Will you have faith like Joshua?  You may not see an angel like Joshua did (and then again, you may - Hebrews 13:2) .  Either way, faith must take precedence (1 John 5:4).  We need to know ahead of time that all of Gods promises are yea and amen (2 Corinthians 1:20.  No matter what walls are before us, He will fight for us and they will have to tumble (Deuteronomy 1:30).

Joshua kept his faith even though the scene looked impossible and the action required by God may have seemed silly.  They were to march around the walls for six days and on the seventh day, they were to march around the city seven times.  At the end of all this the priests blew a last long note on the trumpets and the people shouted.  Guess what?  The walls fell and they marched right in and defeated the city.  What is it that you need to defeat today.  It's probably stronger than you are.  But, it's not stronger than God.  God may develop your patience and faith, even your obedience by requiring you to wait for a season as you keep marching.  Notice the Israelites marched for six days.  Six is the Biblical number representing man.  Kind of a picture of man's strength being spent.  On the seventh day (seven being the Biblical number representing  completion), after marching around seven times that day, God would bring the walls down.  What a picture this is of Joshua, leading the people to obey God through his faith.  He changed the life of a whole nation because he believed the message of God.  We can do that too.  If you have a wall in your life this morning let that wall become a memorial of your faith to those around you.  Trust in God, do your marching. God will fight for you just as He fights for everyone who puts their trust in Him (Psalm 20:7-9).  Who knows, you may spur many others on to do the same.  You never know who is watching and who will pick up the mantle of faith and carry it through the next generation (Psalm 89:1).

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