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Psalms 102:19-20 (New Living Translation) 19 (NLT) Tell
them the LORD looked down from his heavenly sanctuary. He looked to the earth from heaven 20 to
hear the groans of the prisoners, to release those condemned to die.
the world around us is celebrating. Yet, I fear they do not know exactly what they are celebrating. When
you look around, you see ghoulish costumes, spiders, snakes, and every kind of evil character. This is not that kind
of a day for Christians. This is the day that the Lord has made and we need to rejoice in it. (Psalm 118:24) We need to rejoice in Him (Philippians 4:4), rather than concentrating on and bringing attention to those spirits which are totally against Him. Why would anyone want
to invite those spirits instead of doing what children of God are called to do - cast them away? Those spirits that
the world is probably, mostly unknowingly, calling forth on this 31st day of October, have to obey the voice of God and
they have to obey us, His children. More importantly though, we can and should rejoice because our names are
registered as citizens of heaven. (Luke 10:20)
We look around and see depictions of haunted houses and places of torture celebrating
Halloween and many times we take it lightly. It is nothing to be taken lightly. Do the words, "hear the groans
of the prisoners" really capture us as we read them in Psalm 102:19-20? Do we really realize today that when we decorate and place the "idols" of Halloween up as decorations, we
are inviting the spirits that go with them? All the while, God is looking down from heaven. He is listening
to the real groans of prisoners here on earth who don't even know what or who is holding them captive. Some
are not even aware that they are prisoners although they suffer great affliction in life. God has seen all of this.
He has heard the groans of those He created to be like Him but who have chosen to follow another. He has done something
about all of that. He sent His best to release us if we will walk out of that prison in humble obedience to
Him. (Isaiah 42:7) He sent Jesus. Will we follow Him to freedom? (1 Corinthians 1:30) God has made freedom possible for us in Jesus. It has been purchased for us. A free gift. Are you
released from all the spirits that go against the Holy Spirit? If not, today is the day! (2 Corinthians 6:2) Yes, through Jesus, we have been released
from every hindering and tormenting spirit that is being celebrated, probably for the most part in ignorance, today. (Isaiah 61:1) We were condemned to die before God made a way for us out of that condemnation. (John 3:17) Out of that fear. (2 Timothy 1:7) So what are you celebrating today? Fear? Evil spirits? Dead things? Or, are you celebrating the living
God who has given His own Son to redeem you from the torment of fear and death? (Psalm 145:11) Will we celebrate the kingdom of darkness today or the Kingdom of Light? Will we tell and depict horror
stories today or will we tell and lift up the true and living story of love and life in Jesus? (Psalm 21:13) It is our choice to follow the world or to keep our house swept clean and filled with the Holy Spirit. Are all
the rooms in our spiritual house cleaned and filled with God's Spirit today or have we left some space empty, creating
a void for evil spirits to enter? (Matthew 12:45) Let's not succumb to the evil in this generation or invite any unwanted spirits of any kind into our lives.
May it be that the Holy Spirit has full control of each of us today causing life to flourish in us and overflow to others.
If we have been released by the Son of God, we have cause to celebrate today and every day. His Spirit rules and reigns
in us! Sin and death no longer has dominion over us! (Romans 6:5-11) Now that's release! Praise the Lord for His goodness!
MORNING MANNA - OCTOBER 30, 2007 - GENEROSITY Philemon 1:6 (New Living Translation) 6 (NLT) You
are generous because of your faith. And I am praying that you will really put your generosity to work, for in so doing you
will come to an understanding of all the good things we can do for Christ.
Generosity. Where does it really come from? Paul indicates here that Philemon's generosity
comes from his faith. I would venture to say that all real generosity comes from faith. There are lots
of seemingly generous gestures but not all of them come from true generosity, without any other motive. Romans 5:15 gives every one of us a reason to be generous. God was so generous to us in giving the gift of forgiveness.
Jesus paid the price. Now we are free and we should all be spurred on to extend that generosity to others. In
all ways. Since we have been forgiven, we need to extend that forgiveness to others. Generously. If
we have been given a lot in this world, we need to share with those less fortunate. The Bible speaks quite a bit about being generous. Isaiah 32:8 says that good people will be generous to others. Then they will be blessed for all they do. The thing is,
we should not be generous so others will see, but so God will see. Although we should have no other motive for being
generous other than that God has been generous with us, God will not be anything different than He has always been.
He promises blessing to those who are generous. 2 Corinthians 9:6 indicates that our generosity will be proof of our obedience to the gospel message. When we put our generosity
to work, as Paul explained to Philemon, we will begin to understand that there is so much we can do for the Lord. One
act of generosity will make us want to continue on with further acts. Others will be blessed, we will be blessed and
God will be glorified. Those
who are generous will be satisfied and they will prosper. That's a promise in Proverbs 11:25. Do you want to be refreshed? Then bring refreshment to others. There is surely someone in all of our lives
who could use some refreshment today. Will you be the first to reach out in generosity? Do you know someone in
need of something material, spiritual or emotional today? Psalm 112:5 indicates that all will go well for you if you are generous and lend with an open hand. I have a wonderful sister
in the Lord who has been showering me with e-mails of encouragement all day today. She knew I was challenged physically
and emotionally so she chose to be very generous with her time and her love. I'm refreshed by that and I'm so
thankful that God placed her in my life! Is generosity one of your strengths? If so, you have the promise of Psalm 112:4 which says that if darkness seems to overtake you, light will push it out. We all know who the Light of this
world is. He will come right in and push out your darkness! That's if you are generous, compassionate and righteous.
Do you want to have a reward stored up for you in heaven? Then check out Luke 16:9 where we find that if we use our worldly resources to benefit others and make friends, that generosity will have stored
up a reward in heaven for us. The early church practiced generosity as they shared meals together with joy and generosity.
(Acts 2:46) Should we be any different? God, who is the source of all our resources wants to make us aware of the many
opportunities we have to do good for others. He wants to produce a great harvest of generosity in us. (2 Corinthian 9:10) Would you like that harvest to show in your life more and more? Then, this morning, let's think of ways
we can be generous today. With our smiles. With our encouraging words. With our material wealth. With
the gospel message. With our love. How many of those things and more can you find today to be generous with?
The challenge is on! Whoever takes it will be sure to have a testimony of great blessing. No one is more generous
than God!
Psalms 100:5 (New Living Translation) 5 (NLT) For
the LORD is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation.
This is a day that God made. (Psalm 118:24) What are you going to do about it? What am I going to do about it? If we're wise, we
will rejoice. If we have understanding, we will remember that His mercies are brand new this morning. (Lamentations 3:22-23) Yesterday may look like it's been a day of failure and, if we dwell on the natural possibilities, tomorrow may
look bleak. But this is a day that is distinct from all others. It's really the only day we have.
We can't get yesterday back and we don't know if we will have tomorrow. Our opportunity is right now.
Right today. First and foremost, this is the day of salvation for anyone who does not know the saving power of Jesus
Christ. (2 Corinthians 6:2) So, if you're reading this and you haven't accepted the free gift of salvation purchased by the blood
of Jesus for you, reach out and receive it right now. Then, every day, you will have reason to rejoice!
Psalm 100 gives us practical ways in which we can rejoice and give thanks to God. Psalm 100:1 tells us that God would really like the earth to "Shout with joy." That word, "shout,"
figuratively means, "to split the ears with sound." It takes just one to start the shouting so, who will
be the first to start? Remember, today is the day of opportunity. Then there is worship. Who is ready to
worship the Lord this morning with gladness? The word, translated, "worship," here in the New Living Translation
really means, "serve." It has to do with servant hood. (Psalm 100:2) What is really being said here is that we should serve the Lord with pleasure. Even with glee and with mirth.
Is that always the way I serve the Lord? I admit, I have some work to do. When we do serve God with a glad
heart, He will give us a song. Who has a song in their heart to the Lord? It will be a song of joy.
Are you a bit run down this morning? Stay in Psalm 100 and come to the Lord with a song of joy in your heart. His joy will become your strength. (Nehemiah 8:10) Psalm 100:3 tells us to acknowledge that the Lord is God. Acknowledging that the Lord is God sounds easy. But,
how many times are we disappointed in life because things didn't turn out the way we wanted them to? (Psalm 100:3) When we really acknowledge that God is God all by Himself and that He has our lives in His hands, we fill finally
find a sense of contentment, knowing that He has made us and He knows exactly what is best for us. We are His sheep.
He has led us. He will lead us. He is leading us. (Psalm 23) He is a loving and powerful Shepherd, able to protect us and keep us. One of the greatest things is that He has allowed us to enter His gates and come into His courts. (Psalm 100:4) Yes, though we were sinners and unable to approach a Holy God, Jesus made a way for us to enter even to the throne
room. (Hebrews 4:16) As we enter His gates and come into His courts, we have everything to be thankful for and every reason to be coming
with praise in our hearts and on our lips. Jesus died to tear the veil that separated us from our Father. (Luke 23:45) (2 Corinthians 3:16) Someone recently was given a song of praise and worship that goes, in part, like this. "You tore the veil,
You made a way, when you said that, 'It is done'." Yes, Jesus made the way to enter the gates of the
Kingdom with thanksgiving and go right on into God's courts with praise! Those words, "give thanks to
Him and bless His name," have much more meaning than first appears. Giving thanks here refers to extending
our hands in worship. To bless His name, in this verse, has within it's meaning "to kneel."
Whatever yesterday was and whatever tomorrow will bring, today is the day to express our thanks, to worship, to bless
the name of the Lord. There are so many ways to do it. God may inspire you to shout, sing, raise your hands,
or fall on your knees. Maybe all of the above. Let's create a wave of praise this morning. Like Psalm 1:1 says, "Shout to the Lord, all the earth." Will He receive the praise He deserves right now, starting
with us. He, alone, is worthy. He is the only One who will remain faithful through every generation. His
love is the only love that is unfailing and will never end. You belong to Him and you are the recipient of that kind
of faithfulness and that indescribable love. Shout! Sing! Raise your hands! Fall on your knees! Do all of
that and more! No matter what your circumstances are, praise through. Yet, even if we were given a thousand tongues,
or a thousand hands to raise, or a thousand knees upon which to kneel, would it be enough to give the praise our God
Titus 2:1 (New Living Translation) 1 (NLT) But as for you, promote
the kind of living that reflects right teaching. The book of Titus indicates
that right living is promoted by right teaching. What sort of teaching are we getting today? If we are not studying
God's Word, we are certainly not going to be taught in the right way. Left to the teaching of this world, found
in most universities and public schools, our living will definitely reflect that we have not had right teaching.
In fact, just looking at how people are living today is proof that there has not been a whole lot of right teaching going
on! In Titus 2:2, we learn the things that are to be taught to the older men. If we are older, we might think that we don't have
anything more to learn. But everybody can learn something, whether it is the basics of a principle or how to get to
a higher level of living out that principle. What are older men supposed to learn? To be self-controlled.
To be worthy of respect. To live wisely. To have strong faith. To be filled with love. To be
filled with patience. If you are an older man, what would your report card look like if you were graded on these things?
If you're an older woman, don't start filling out those report cards for the men yet until you see what the older
women might be graded on. How about living in a way that is appropriate for someone who serves the Lord? An older
woman should not speak wrongly about anyone. Nor should she be a heavy drinker. She's supposed to be a teacher
herself, teaching others to do good. These older women are supposed to train the younger ones to love their husbands
and their children. Also to take care of their homes and do good. Not to speak of living pure and wise lives. And,
to be submissive to their husbands. How do older women teach all of these things? By word. But, most effectively,
by example. (Titus 2:3-4) Anything less has the potential to bring shame on the Word of God. (Titus 2:5) So, how are the women, older and younger, among us doing this morning? Let's not forget
the young men. They are to be taught to live wisely in all that they do. Whew! That's a bunch
of teaching and living to do! No one is left out in the Word of God.
The book of Titus gives us so much in the way of teaching and living that we could work on it for the rest of our lives.
In fact, isn't that what we're supposed to be doing? Sometimes we may tend to feel that we have it made.
We've arrived. But, in reality, we've only arrived at another level. There will always be another level to achieve
as long as we live in this world. Every day we're supposed to learn and then pass along what we have learned to others.
(1 Timothy 2:15) The Amplified Bible shows even more depth to this verse: "Study and
be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be ashamed,
correctly analyzing and accurately dividing [rightly handling and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth."
The Psalmist said that he would be able to thank God by living rightly because he had learned God's ways. (Psalm 119:7) There is always more to learn - for everybody. We have to
learn how to be wise. (Proverbs 9:6) A reverential fear of God and the knowledge of His word will help us to keep on learning and growing. (Proverbs 9:10) We will gain more and more understanding as to how to live up to the various areas discussed in Titus, Chapter Two.
Just pouring over those things we see in Titus 2, might be overwhelming. Not a one of us has totally arrived or will totally arrive while we're still walking in
these bodies of flesh. But, seeking to grow in these areas will make us more and more like Jesus. It
will take us from faith to faith. (Romans 1:17) And from glory to glory. (2 Corinthians 3:18) One level at a time. The more we learn and practice, the more we will be able to teach and pass on. Older
men and women, why not start a legacy, beginning right now by living, by the grace of God, according to the standards set
in Titus 2. And, young men and women, why not start today living wisely and purely as God's word has laid out?
Can you imagine how we could change this dark world if we all just start right now? (Luke 1:50)
Psalms 97:10 (New Living Translation) 10 (NLT) You
who love the LORD, hate evil! He protects the lives of his godly people and rescues them from the power of the wicked. Do you love the Lord? Then the word, "hate," probably
brings to mind sin. We are to love one another. Hatred of another is never justified in scripture. (Matthew 5:43-48) If we find ourselves hating another, then we are right to think of it as sin. Jesus said we are not to hate those
people who come against us. We are to love them and pray for them. Hatred toward other people is definitely
sin. Somehow we have to grow in maturity to be more like God in this area. It's so easy to develop a hatred
for someone who hurts you deeply. But, it's not what God would do. In fact, though it was our sin that made
Jesus go to the cross, God loved us anyway. (Romans 5:8) When Jesus hung on the cross with His arms outstretched, He uttered the words, "Father, forgive them for
they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34) As we go through this life, there will be people who do not understand us. There will be people that cheat us.
There will be people that lie to us. There will even be people who hurt us beyond measure. As we grow up in God,
we will begin to see that those people are not our real enemies. They are merely being used by our enemy in order to
get to us. (Ephesians 6:12) Sometimes those people don't even realize the depth of the hurt they cause. They are just people like us. We
have all hurt others without even realizing it. They are people that Jesus loves, people He gave His life to save.
Hatred of others will serve no good purpose. It will only cause us to be bitter, opening ourselves to all kinds of attack
from our real enemy. Our real enemies are principalities and powers in high places. Satan is the supreme enemy
and director of all those evil powers. He is not really trying to get us so much as he is trying to get the Word, or
the Jesus, that is in us. He would just as soon kill us to stop us from spreading that Word. From spreading
God's love. But, God's love flowing through us will defeat him every time. There is a good hatred. It is not toward people. God loves
people. It is toward evil. As we see in Psalm 97:10, God rescues those who trust in Him from the power of the wicked. Remember how Jesus taught us to pray?
"Deliver us from the evil one." (Matthew 6:13) If we are trusting in Him, God will deliver us from the wiles and strategies of Satan. But first, we need
to be in agreement with God. Total agreement. We need to hate evil. (Romans 12:9) We've got to be on God's side. No sitting on the fence. (Revelation 3:16) A complete turn from evil is necessary in our thoughts and in our lives. (Psalm 34:14) That will be the proof that we are in agreement with God. We will not do what we say we hate. Nor, will
we join with those who do those things that God hates. (Psalm 1:1) We will not have our hatred misdirected toward people. It will be a healthy hatred of the things that God
hates. We will work hard at living peaceably with people. (Romans 12:18) If we do turn from evil and hate it, loving the Lord with all of our heart, we will most certainly be blessed.
(Psalm 37:27) Are there some things in our lives that should be cut out? Some movies? Some magazines? Some web-sites?
Some entertainment spots? Some addictions? Some intimate companions who do not love the Lord? If we really
hate evil, as God does, it will show in our lifestyle. Love for God will cause us to turn from the evil that He hates.
God will protect us if we turn from evil. (Psalm 91:14) When we trust God, He will protect us. When we love God with all of our hearts, we will hate what He hates.
We've got to persevere in hating evil right up to the end. The church at Philadelphia was apparently not all that
strong but they persevered in holding on to God. (Revelation 3:10) Because of that, God promised to protect them even from the time of great testing that will come upon this world.
We cannot be true to God and condone evil. Do you want to be like Jesus this morning? And every morning?
Hebrews 1:9 will tell us how. We need to love what is good and hate what is wrong. In case that one passage does
not convince us, God gave us a glimpse of the way Jesus would be in Psalm 45:7. We see another church that is being commended for hating evil. Revelation 2:2-7 Their trouble was that they had focused on their hatred of evil instead of on their love for God. There is a
good hatred. But, love for God should be our focus. Just hating evil may make us legalistic and inflexible.
But a true love for God will keep us loving others and hating the evil that turns people from God. Yes, some hatred is
good and beneficial to us. It's when we hate the things that God hates because we love Him so much.
2 Timothy 4:2 (New Living Translation) 2 (NLT) Preach
the word of God. Be persistent, whether the time is favorable or not. Patiently correct, rebuke, and encourage your people
with good teaching.
Patience and persistence
are required if we are to be credible witnesses to the power of God. 2 Timothy 4:3 tells us that the time is coming when people will not listen to sound teaching. They will just look for preachers
and teachers who will tell them what they want to hear. Do you suppose we are living in that time? It's
pretty evident, when we listen to the media and look at the bookshelves, that God's Word is taking a backseat to the newest
ideas and philosophies. For instance, how many times do you see words such as, "You deserve it." in advertisements?
Is that what God says? Or is that what those who are trying to separate us from our money are saying? Is
this a time when people are more interested in serving themselves than serving others? Sometimes even in the church? (2 Timothy 3:2) Yes, the Apostle Paul saw this time coming and he urged Timothy to be patient and persistent in convincing people,
rebuking and correcting them, warning and urging them and encouraging them in the ways of the Lord. You and I should
be convicted and convinced to do the same. It
doesn't matter whether it's convenient for us or inconvenient, we should declare the gospel, not only by what
we say but, by how we live. No situational ethics here. Just gospel-truth and transparent lives. Have you
ever been in a situation where you felt led to say or do something that went against what everyone else was doing because
the Holy Spirit in you was speaking to your heart? You may or may not have acted in obedience to the Spirit. Let's
be honest now, we don't always instantly obey, especially if it is inconvenient or perhaps humiliating. I'm
sure I'm not the only one who has ever failed to heed the voice of the Spirit in a difficult situation. Thank God
for His mercy and grace and for the fact that He is a God of second, third and infinite chances if we will just realize that
we fell short and ask forgiveness. (1 John 2:1) Thank God that He is such a wonderful Teacher. When we fail a test, He will offer us the chance
to take it again! And again!! Thank God, He is patient! (Romans 2:4) Because He is patient with us, we can be patient with others. How are you doing in the areas of persistence
and patience? Somebody jokingly said, "Don't pray for patience!" Why? How do we get patience?
Through trials. James 1:2-4 is paraphrased in The Message like this: "Consider it a sheer gift, friends,
when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. 3 You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced
into the open and shows its true colors. 4 So don't try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work
so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way." Patience does a work in us that makes
us mature and well-developed. This should flow to those we live our lives in front of and those we are given the
opportunity to speak to. Paul alluded to the fact that people would not listen sometimes when we speak the truth of
the gospel. (2 Timothy 4:3) They'll be looking for something easier to swallow than the fact that they have sinned and fallen
short of God's glory. (Romans 3:23) They won't want to hear that repentance is in order - a turning from those things that are offensive
to God. (Matthew 4:17) But Timothy was to keep repeating it anyway and so should we. Look at this from The Message. 2 Timothy 4:3-5 (The Message) 3 (MSG) You're going to find that there will
be times when people will have no stomach for solid teaching, but will fill up on spiritual junk food—catchy opinions
that tickle their fancy. 4 They'll turn their backs on truth and chase mirages. 5 But you—keep
your eye on what you're doing; accept the hard times along with the good; keep the Message alive; do a thorough job as
God's servant.
Are you persistent, even
when your eyes tell you that nothing is happening? (Proverbs 25:15) Again, looking at The Message, this is the paraphrase we see of Proverbs 25:15. " Patient persistence pierces through indifference;
gentle speech breaks down rigid defenses." Today, so many are on the defensive. They have not surrendered
their lives to the Lord. Patience combined with persistence in our speech and our actions will break down those defenses.
When you stop to think about it, why would you want to trust anyone who is not patient and persistent? These qualities
show that we know that the truth we speak and live works. We're not defensive about it. We know who we are
in Christ. We know that we are the recipient of His patience. We know the truth in these words contained in an
old gospel song, "He was there all the time, waiting patiently in line." We know that He has patiently
and persistently waited for us when we turned aside to find our fulfillment in something or someone else. Even
today, we may get distracted and take a wrong turn. But Jesus is waiting patiently and persistently. He does
not change. (Hebrews 13:8) His word does not change when circumstances and situations change. He is the Word. (John 1:14) He remains patient and persistent. Even now, He stands at your heart's door knocking patiently and persistently.
He will not force His way in. He will not change His message either. He always has a Word for us. It might
be a word of rebuke. It may be a word of correction. It could be a word of encouragement. It is always a
word of sound teaching and of salvation. Because we have received all of these things from our Savior, it is our joy
to give the same to those who may not know Him yet. It may not always be convenient. I don't think
it was convenient for Jesus when He set his face toward Jerusalem that day and persistently walked the road to Calvary, teaching
even as He went to His death on the cross. (Luke 13:22) He was patient and persistent in His mission. We have a mission too. To be like Jesus, patient and
persistent, no matter what.
MORNING MANNA - OCTOBER 25, 2007 - ALL SCRIPTURE 2 Timothy 3:16 (New Living Translation) 16 (NLT) All Scripture is inspired
by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It straightens us out and
teaches us to do what is right. God's Word is so powerful! All
of it. Every bit of it is inspired by God. All of it is useful for teaching us the truth. It cuts deep into
our mind and spirit making us realize what is wrong in our lives. (Hebrews 4:12) Just look at how the Amplified Bible translates Hebrews 4:12. "For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power [making it active, operative, energizing,
and effective]; it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and
[the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow [of the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and sifting and analyzing and
judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart." God's Word will convict us but it won't condemn
us. (John 3:17) Jesus is the Word and He did not come to condemn us. But, He did speak His first words of ministry on the subject
of repentance. (Matthew 4:17) God's word doesn't just hit us over the head because we have done wrong. It points out the truth to
us and then instructs as to how to live in the truth. Look
at 2 Timothy 3:16 in the Amplified Version. "Every Scripture is God-breathed
(given by His inspiration) and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and
discipline in obedience, [and] for training in righteousness (in holy living, in conformity to God’s will in thought,
purpose, and action)," Wow! It corrects us when we are going wrong. It disciplines us in obedience
to God's thoughts, purposes and actions. But, it will only do that if we read it, accept it, and digest it. (2 Timothy 2:15) Aren't we privileged this morning to be able to search the scriptures together? We don't search
them looking simply for knowledge. We search them all because in them we find, His-story. Not only His-story,
we find Him! Jesus said that the scriptures point to Him. (John 5:39) He is the Word! (John 1:14) This morning, we are looking for Jesus. You know, Jesus is willing to be found by us. What a wonder! All the scriptures are important to us because
in all of them we find our Savior. Even in the Old Testament, there are so many references to Jesus. There are
so many characters where we see a type of Jesus displayed. The Old Testament is rich with glimpses of Him. He
is pictured in Boaz in the book of Ruth as our Kinsman-Redeemer. What a beautiful picture of the Lord who purchases
our salvation and gives us joy where we had only experienced grief. Jesus, Himself, said that He did not come to destroy
the law, but to fulfill it. (Matthew 5:17) If that is so, then our study should include all of the scripture. We should not just study the
scriptures to be instructed by them. We should study them so we can learn to practice the thoughts, purposes and actions
of God in our own lives. It is a good thing to have godly preachers and teachers. We should listen to them and
learn from them. However, we have a responsibility too. There are many counterfeit preachers, teachers, and spirits
in the world today. We need to test those spirits. (1 John 4:1) We need to be like the Bereans who received the message from Paul and Silas, but also searched the scriptures
day after day to check up on them to see if they were really speaking truth. (Acts 17:11) So, we can see how important it is for us to be in the scriptures - all of them. I'm so thankful for this
time in the morning to get my day started in the Word. In the One who is the Word. In the One who came
to fulfill all of the Word. We'll never exhaust the Word of God. There will be more than enough Word to feed
us every morning and nourish us through the day even through all of eternity!
MORNING MANNA - OCTOBER 24, 2007 - GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME, ALL THE TIME GOD IS GOOD Psalms 92:15 (New Living Translation) 15 (NLT) They
will declare, "The LORD is just! He is my rock! There is nothing but goodness in him!" What is your declaration this morning? It's a great morning
to proclaim the love of God. His love is unfailing regardless of our circumstances or our feelings. If we start
declaring and proclaiming His love right now, it will set a pattern for our day. We can just keep right on through the
day, continuing to thank Him for that love and faithfulness that won't let us go. (Psalm 92:2) In the evening, we'll find that our focus is still on Him and we'll be rejoicing in His love and faithfulness.
Yes, it's good to give thanks to the Lord! It's good to sing songs of thanksgiving and praise. (Psalm 92:1) You might be saying right about now, "But I can't sing." Yes you can. Just open your mouth
and let your praise pour forth. Make a joyful noise to the Lord. (Psalm 95:1) The King James Version translates Psalm 95:1 like this: "O come, let us sing unto the LORD; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation."
Are you thrilled by what God has done
for you? (Psalm 92:4) If this is a challenging day for you, you might hesitate at this point. You may not feel
thrilled at this moment. But, the fact is, He has done so much for all of us. When our negative
feelings get the best of us, it's time to start remembering all the things that God has done for us. If you
have received His free gift of salvation, He's done more than enough for you, and me too! (Ephesians 2:8) If He never did another thing, isn't the fact that He's forgiven us and saved us quite enough?
But, though we should be satisfied with that, there is so much more. He's able to do much more than we could
even ask or believe. (Ephesians 3:20) He knows what we need even before we ask. (Matthew 6:8) That's comforting enough but, of course with God, there's always more. He's promised to supply all
those needs. (Philippians 4:19) Is that not reason enough to sing for joy as the Psalmist says in Psalm 92:4? God does so much for us that we either take for granted or are not even aware of. (Psalm 92:5) Just think of how great His works are! Every breath is a gift and a work of God. We take it for
granted. It's really involuntary. It just happens. Until it doesn't happen... Having experienced
double pneumonia, I know what it feels like when you try to (and take it for granted that you will) take in a breath
and nothing happens. It's then that you know that God does a great work in you each time you can take in
a breath and let it out. If God withdraws that work.... Well, we're just nothing without Him! Can you imagine
how complicated it is to keep a person up and running physically, not to speak of mentally, spiritually and emotionally?
Now multiply that by every person who is living on earth, has ever lived or will live. Just that in itself is a work
of God that is beyond our human comprehension. No wonder His Word tells us that His thoughts and ways are so much higher
than ours. (Isaiah 55:9) A person who doesn't have much sense will
not understand the greatness of God. (Psalm 92:6) But, the godly will acknowledge the great works of God. If we really know God, we will sing for joy. God
will do even greater works for us. He will make us flourish and grow strong just like the greenest and strongest of
trees. (Psalm 92:12) He will see that we are planted in the good soil of His courts. (Psalm 92:13) Even in our old age, we will still produce fruit. We will not wither away, but remain fresh and vital just like
those trees He tells us about. (Psalm 92:14) Now, that's a great promise and a great work of God! We will still be declaring the goodness of God when
we are advanced in age. Because we have been kept by Him, we will truly know He is our Rock. The Lord is good
and there is no evil in Him. (Psalm 92:15) Have you suffered through some things that were not so good? God has not been looking the other way. He
has seen your plight and He will bring goodness into your life because He is good. (Psalm 37:5-20) He is just. Give thanks this morning and cling to the Rock of all ages. He is with you and will
be with you in every stage of your life. He will keep you, even in old age. God is good all the time - in all of
our times God is good!
Psalms 91:4 (New Living Translation) 4 (NLT) He will shield you with
his wings. He will shelter you with his feathers. His faithful promises are your armor and protection. Is this, "one of those days?" I'll be honest and be the first to say that, "I'm
having one of those days." There's nothing enormously wrong in my life that I know of. Just little things
that seem to irritate and frustrate. The general "feeling" that something's just not right.
Can you relate? Ever had one of those? If not, just live a little bit longer! Those days do come and, generally,
they're either an attack from the enemy or we have broken fellowship with God somehow because we have chosen to walk
in a direction in which He is not going. There's a cute little song called, "Christian In The House."
Part of the lyrics flat out say, "There are days, I'm such a mess. I'm gonna need someone just to ease
the stress." Well, we know that our Savior promises relief from our cares. (1 Peter 5:7) We also know that He invites us to come to Him for the purpose of receiving rest. (Matthew 11:29) Those are just a couple of His promises to us. As in the song that begs for someone to ease the stress, that's
why God gave us each other. To remind each other of His faithful promises. The song goes on to say, "Is there
a Christian in the house, someone to lend a hand?". His promises are all true, you know. (2 Corinthians 1:20) That's what God tells us in several places in His Word, including Psalm 91:4. Just in case you're having a bit of a hard day, can I encourage you and me too? All God's promises
are faithful and true. Not only that, they are our armor and protection. Sometimes
having "one of those days" is a signal that something great is about to happen. Maybe things have been
going along well and you just know that you're about to get to another level of faith. (Romans 1:17). Then, "bam!" "One of those days," comes along. You've examined yourself and found
that, as far as you know and as far as God has revealed it to you, you have not wandered from His side. (2 Corinthians 13:5) With things sort of coming at you from all directions, you may be tempted to be a bit confused. I've been
that way all day today, but we can't fall prey to that temptation. We've got to wage war against the enemy who
is trying to block our progress. I've opened my mouth to complain too. Mind you, nobody is here in the
house with me. I was just tempted to speak out, "Why?" or "What's going on here?"
Then the Lord has put a check in my spirit and I closed my mouth and in my spirit begin to thank Him for being my Shepherd.
That's a promise too! (Psalm 23:1) Because the Lord is my Shepherd, I don't lack anything! Neither do you. But, there
is an enemy who would like to try to make us think we do. The Lord is my Shepherd. Just say it out loud. So
what if no one is in the immediate vicinity. And so what if there is someone there? It's a true fact.
It's a promise and we're supposed to confess it. Even if you think you are alone in the room or the car or the
office or the restroom, or wherever, you might need a reminder that you are not alone. Your Shepherd is
with you. The evil one who is trying to kill, steal and destroy everything our Shepherd has given us is standing in
the shadows too. He loves to play mind games with us. If Satan can get us to believe that our Shepherd
is not who He really is, He can come in for the kill. Jesus said that our job is to believe in Him. (John 6:29) Okay, let's not fall down on the job now! This morning
let's remind one another that we have armor and protection. They are found in the Lord. He will shield us
with His wings. (Psalm 63:7) We can sing for joy about that. It's a promise. It's part of our armor and protection! He
will shelter us with His feathers. There are multitudes of promises contained in God's Word. Can
we just start encouraging ourselves and one another by bringing a few of them to mind one by one? God is faithful.
(Psalm 71:22) That's something to sing about! God is loving. (Nehemiah 1:5) God is merciful. (Deuteronomy 13:18) God forgives. (Hebrews 12:24) God guides. (Psalm 48:14) God comforts. (2 Corinthians 1:4) God provides. (Philippians 4:19) God gives peace. (Philippians 4:7) God gives grace. (Psalm 84:11) God gives us rest. (Psalm 23:2) God provides protection. (Proverbs 30:5) God takes us in if we are abandoned by others. (Psalm 27:10) Is there anything that we need that God has not promised to provide? Since we have only touched on a few of
the promises in His Word, I doubt it. In fact I'm sure of it. Is there something that you need this
morning that is not in the above list? I can guarantee you that, if you search His Word, you will find that He has a
promise to cover your need. Just go to the Word and dig. When you find the promise that comforts and brings
hope to you, don't forget to pass it on to someone else. We're all in this together. It's time
to share the armor and protection God offers. Next time you have, "one of those days," pull out all the armor
and protection He has given you. No matter what comes against you, it doesn't change the promise that God is the
same yesterday, today and forever. He does not change. (Hebrews 13:8) That "thing" or those "things" that are causing you some difficulty at the present moment
will change. God has promised us the victory! (1 John 5:4) You're protected!
MORNING MANNA - OCTOBER 22, 2007 - STORED UP TREASURE 1 Timothy 6:19 (New Living Translation) 19 (NLT) By doing this they will
be storing up their treasure as a good foundation for the future so that they may take hold of real life. Have you ever seen a movie where someone finds a hidden treasure chest? Wow! All those gold
coins and jewels just spilling over the sides of that chest! What would you give to find a chest like that and
be able to keep all the contents? If someone gave you a map to where some hidden treasure was buried, would you go there
to find it? I would venture to say that you would if you thought one that gave you the map was reliable. I would say that the Apostle, Paul, was a pretty reliable character, wouldn't you? At least
after he became a new man in Christ. We know that God is reliable and the map is in His Word. He gave Timothy
a map, if you will, to where hidden treasure is stored. Do you know where that treasure is? It is in what
we have given. Although it seems backward, the treasure that we will find after we follow the map, is a
multiplied version of everything we have given to those in need and shared with others (1 Timothy 6:18) As we take this journey through life, we need to go down the streets with names such as, Salvation, Repentance,
Love, Forgiveness, Humility, and yes, Giving. At the end of the journey, we will be in Heaven. Our eternal home.
And there lies the stored up treasure! (1 Timothy 6:19) "X" marks the spot on the map. Whatever we have given of the money God has given us
on earth will be stored up for us in Heaven. In the meantime, we will have shown those less fortunate a little bit of
Heaven here on earth. Paul urges Timothy to teach those that are rich in this world not to trust in their
riches but to share them with others. Just how rich are you today? Most of us in this country are rich beyond
measure. Most of us have something we can give to or share with another. When Jesus taught about money and possessions, He was careful to drive the point home that our focus should
not be on these things. He didn't say He was against us having them. But, if we do have them, we should do
what Paul said in 1 Timothy 6:18. We should give and share with others. The money and the things should not be our focus. Above
all, we should never trust in our wealth. The Kingdom of God should be our focus. (Matthew 6:24-34) When we store up wealth and things here on earth, we become the servant of that wealth. But, when we give, we
are showing we are a servant of Christ who gave Himself for us. (Matthew 6:24) In this world where we feel like there just isn't enough time to get everything done, we certainly don't have
time to serve two masters. We can't serve God and serve money. When we store up things just for ourselves,
they will rot and be eaten away. (Matthew 6:19-21) Wasted! As we journey the various roads of life, we will eventually come to the end of the road. What
will we find that we have sent ahead? Will we find that treasure we are looking for when we reach Heaven? Only
if we have not stored it up down here for our children to toss in the trash after we die. Only if we have given
to and shared what God has given us with others. Right now is the time to store up treasure in Heaven. When we
give what we have been given, God will multiply it back to us, both here and in the treasure box with our name on it in Heaven. (Luke 18:29-30) It all comes down to an issue of the heart. Wherever we place our treasure, our heart will follow. (Matthew 6:21) Is your heart on the treasure you have here on earth or on that treasure you have stored up in Heaven? Are we
continually storing up treasure in Heaven by giving to those who cannot possibly give back to us? Do we really believe
that God will honor His Word in Luke 18:29-30? And in Matthew 6:31-33? Where is your heart this morning? Where is your treasure? Don't pay to store it down here
on earth only to find that when you retrieve it from your "Self-storage," it is either stolen or moth-eaten or rusted.
Let God store it for you where it will sparkle and shine for eternity! We can't lose when we place what He
has given back into His hands.
Psalms 89:15 (New Living Translation) 15 (NLT) Happy are those who hear
the joyful call to worship, for they will walk in the light of your presence, LORD.
Are you happy this morning? Do you hear that joyful call to worship? If we do, God's Word says
we will be happy. (Psalm 89:15) What gives us the happiness that God talks about here? It is the fact that we have heard the call to worship
and, because of that, we will walk in the light of His presence. This sound of the call to worship that God is talking
about is actually a very loud sound. The sound of trumpets. The sounds of joy. The sound of shouting.
Who is hearing this loud call to worship right now? If we are, we are walking in the light that streams from God's
holy face. We are walking in his favor!
When we hear that joyful call to worship early
in the morning, we will be rejoicing all day long! (Psalm 89:16) It will totally change the outcome of our day. It won't be a difficult thing to do what the Apostle, Paul,
has told us to do. "Rejoice always." He said it twice to drive home the point. "Again I say
rejoice." (Philippians 4:4) It will come naturally to us to rejoice because we have heard God's call to worship. We will break
out in songs of praise to His name and rejoice in His presence. (Psalm 68:4) Are you ready to begin singing to the King of Kings this morning? Have you heard that joyful call to worship?
Just the fact that we can walk in the light of His presence is enough to elicit great waves of worship among us!
As we begin to worship and bask in His presence we will we will be lifted up by His righteousness. He will be our strength. His joy will fill and overcome us becoming strength.
(Nehemiah 8:10) Are you feeling a bit weak this morning. Listen! Hear the joyful call to worship. Rejoice.
Then rejoice again. That joy will begin to fill you with new strength. You will begin to realize that you can
do all things through Christ because He is strengthening you. (Philippians 4:13) God's Word says that it pleases Him to make us strong. (Psalm 89:17) Yes, we can be strong even when we are weak. The Lord told Paul that His power worked best in Paul's weakness.
(2 Corinthians 12:9) So it is with us. Just as God gave strength to the Israelites, so He will do the same for us. (Psalm 68:35) Do you want to walk in His presence this morning and always? Begin to listen for that call to worship.
It's not only on Sunday morning. It's every morning when we open our eyes to a brand new day.
It's all day long as we walk through the challenges and surprises of the day and it's just before we close our eyes
in sleep as our day comes to a close. Victory in life and in death does not come by our own power. It comes
from the strength and power of the Lord. It comes from being in His presence and having Him smile on us with His favor.
(Psalm 44:3) This morning may we all rejoice and worship together knowing that we are in the very presence of the Lord. His
face is smiling down on us. Let's raise our faces to Him in total worship! Can you hear the call?
1 Timothy 4:7 (New Living Translation) 7
(NLT) Do not waste time arguing over godless ideas and old wives' tales. Spend your time and energy in training
yourself for spiritual fitness.
you refuse to read any further after reading the title of this morning's Manna, let me tell you why I chose to use it.
And, I want you to know I'm not speaking of physcial nakedness. The idea behind it is this. When Paul was
telling Timothy to train himself for physical fitness, the Greek word used to translate, "train yourself," is this:
"gymnazo." Of course that reminds us of our gymnasiums where competitive games are played. Most of you
are not like this, but I could not handle "gym" class. I was uncoordinated, low on physical stamina and I
had poor depth perception. So much for competitive games. I also hated the fact, when starting into junior high
school, that we had to strip down and take showers all together in one room! Being a "late-bloomer",
I always felt, shall we say, inadequate in comparison to those around me. Believe me, I didn't just feel that way.
I was always the last one picked for teams and I just didn't fit in to those girls who had so many more curves than I
did! Well, enough about that. You see, when they trained for
the games in Paul's time, it was a big thing. They were in intense competition. Their focus was totally on
whatever sport they were competing in and on winning that competition. They couldn't afford to be distracted or
weighed down by anything. So, they exercised pretty much naked. Nothing to restrict, bind, or weigh them down.
That's what the word, "gymnazo," means. It doesn't just mean, "exercise." It literally
means, "to practice naked." Isn't that what God wants us to do in the spiritual? Paul tells Timothy
to spend his time and energy in training himself for spiritual fitness. That's what all of us need to do.
One version of the Word says "train yourself to be godly." 1 Timothy 4:8 tells us that physical training is okay but training in godliness has benefits both in this world and in the
next. So, how do we train ourselves to be godly? Well, the best thing to do is to exercise spiritually naked.
We need to strip off anything that would keep us from an intimate relationship with God. (Hebrews 12:1) If there is anything we are wearing to cover up our spirit before God, we need to take it off now and be real with
Him. He knows our hearts anyway. (Psalm 44:21) There's no use in trying to exercise our spirits with a cover-up on. It will only get in the way.
We can be encouraged to know that he knows what we're made of because He made us. He knows we're just dust and
He makes gracious allowances for that. (Psalm 103:14) Because of the fact that we are only human and we are weak (in the natural), we don't need the added weight
of extra baggage or heavy spiritual clothes. Although
we are made from the dust, we are fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14) We're made to have communion with and to praise the God who made us. We're made in a way that we can
receive spiritual revelation directly from His Spirit. (Ephesians 1:17) Can we just be real this morning? Can we remove any covering or obstacle that hinders our spiritual exercise?
Like Timothy was urged to do, we need not waste time arguing about things that are not essential to our salvation. We
must not waste energy trying to find answers to things that are not really important eternally. All of our time and energy
is a gift from God. In Him we live. In Him we move. In Him we are. (Acts 17:28) And He should be our focus. He knows us inside out. (1 Corinthians 13:12) We can't hide anything so why try? That's what Adam and Eve did. They weren't successful,
as we all know. We now have been provided an excellent covering in the person of Jesus Christ. That's all
we need. Instead of hiding ourselves from God, we can hide in Him! (Psalm 94:22) Are you up to removing a lot of extra spiritual clothing and doing some spiritual exercising this morning?
Let's go for it!
Jeremiah 32:39 (New Living Translation) 39 (NLT) And I will give them
one heart and mind to worship me forever, for their own good and for the good of all their descendants.
How is your heart this morning? Is it cluttered with all sorts of
worldly things and cares? Is it fluttering because of a new found love? What is the focus of your heart?
The people of Israel and Judah had fallen prey to having their hearts filled with idols, with other gods. Even though
God Almighty had promised them blessings for their obedience, they had not guarded their hearts. (Proverbs 4:23) Are you guarding your heart this morning? Is the Word of God the doorkeeper of your heart standing guard against
intruders and those things that would come in to distract you from the God of abundant life? (John 10:10) That's what the people of Israel and Judah had done. They had begun to worship the blessings instead
of the One who blesses. Do you think that sort of thing is rampant in our day? And, do you think there will
be consequences if we fail to examine ourselves? (2 Corinthians 13:5) If we fail to let God search our hearts? (Psalm 139:23) God's Word says that there will be consequences. (Galatians 6:8) Is there anything this morning that is in the way of our worship of God? True worship is not an outward thing, although it does manifest itself in such things as speech, music, art, literature
and deed. God is a Spirit. If we have a real heart of worship, we will be worshipping Him in spirit
and in truth. (John 4:24) True worship does not begin with a song. True worship begins in the heart and the result is a song! If
we worship in spirit and in truth, we are reaching out from the depths of our own spirit to touch God's Spirit.
We are speaking truth from our heart to the One who is The Truth. Sometimes, mere human words of expression are not
enough. The Holy Spirit aids us as we pour our hearts out to God in worship. We can worship in all situations.
In a crowded bus or by a quiet stream. It has nothing to do with the outside surroundings. It has everything
to do with the inside condition of our heart. And, it stems from knowing who we are and Whose we are. Worship
is not what we do. It is who we are. When we know who we are, it will automatically evoke worship from our heart. If
we are born again, we are new creatures and we are in Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:17) We are a person that God loves and cherishes. We are a child of the King. Sometimes when we really
love someone, we say, "I worship the ground he or she walks on," or "I just adore him or her."
How often do we just say to God, "I just worship You. I just adore You."? You don't have
to open your mouth to do it either. You can worship in spirit. Whether you speak it audibly or speak it from
your spirit, it must come from your heart. God, through
Jeremiah, told the people back then that He would give them one heart and one mind to worship Him. He is still
wanting to do that for us today. He wants our unified worship. Christians throughout the world can agree on worship.
(Psalm 96:9) We can agree that God is the only One worthy of our worship. (Psalm 48:9) That's what He's looking for. Unity among believers. (Psalm 133:1) Jesus prayed even for us down to this generation and beyond that we would be in unity with each other and with the
Father. (John 17:20-21) When that happens, true worship is found. Eventually, we will all have one heart and one mind to worship
God. (Revelation 15:4) When things on this earth as we know it now are wrapped up, we will know Jesus as He is. (1 John 3:2) We will be totally like Him and our worship will be pure. For now, we can pray as He taught us, "Thy Kingdom
come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven." What is His will? That we be in unity with Him and with
each other. That we be in agreement that there is only One God and that He is due all of our worship. (1 Timothy 1:17) God wants to give us a heart and mind to worship Him. Are we in the receiving line this morning?
Will we let Him change our heart, giving way to more and more worship. In this "Martha" world, we might
just want to take a lesson from Mary. It was important to her to sit at the feet of Jesus. Yes, like Martha,
we recognize that there are lots things to be done but Jesus said Mary had chosen the better thing.
Won't you sit a while and worship at the feet of Jesus? (Luke 10:38-42) God said it would be for our own good and for the good of our descendants. Since God's Word is true,
I want that heart of worship, that mind that is focused on God. I want to see the good He has for me and for those
that come after me. Do you want God to give you a heart and mind to worship? Not only you, but those around
you and those who will come after you? Let's just ask Him right now and enter into worship.
1 Timothy 2:1 (New Living Translation) 1 (NLT) I urge you, first of all,
to pray for all people. As you make your requests, plead for God's mercy upon them, and give thanks.
Paul is setting a standard for prayer here in 1 Timothy 2:1, as he instructs Timothy. It's a standard that should be followed throughout the body of Christ. Prayer
is supposed to be a constant in all of our lives. (1 Thessalonians 5:17) Like the program that runs in the background of our computers and keeps them up and running, prayer should
be a driving force in our lives. What is prayer? The evidence of an intimate relationship with God.
The communion between ourselves and our Creator. How can a mere human talk to God? Jesus has made the way. He
is the one and only Mediator. (1 Timothy 2:5). Because of Jesus and the sacrifice He made for us, we can now enter the throne room of God boldly. (Hebrews 4:16) Why in the world would we not avail ourselves of such a gift? Because we have this gift, our focus should
not remain on just ourselves as we stand before the throne of God. It is a gift to be shared. Paul says we should pray for all people. In 1 Timothy 2:2, we are instructed to pray for our leaders and all who have authority over us. Does that mean that we should
pray for them just when we agree with them and when we understand why they do what they do? No. It's just
a blanket statement and the key word is all. Even if a leader falls, prayer is still in order. Why
would we want to pray for those with whom we do not agree? Maybe they're not even Christians. Perhaps a
leader in the church has disappointed us or even hurt us. There is a reason God wants us to continue in prayer
for all people. God. Quite honestly, it is for our own good. In praying for those
who are in authority, we help make the way for ourselves to live peaceful and quiet lives. It is also our
opportunity to show that God has created godliness and dignity in us. It's a testimony. In that way we will
be an example to the watching world and that is so pleasing to God. (1 Timothy 2:3) The reason He is so pleased with this is that He wants everyone to be saved and to know the truth. We're to pray for one another. The sickness of sin can be wiped out if we
will just pray for one another, confessing our sin. (James 5:16) In this way, healing will come into the Body of Christ. Healing, not only for physical ailments, but for emotional,
mental, and spiritual issues, as well. Have you ever just thanked God for the privilege of prayer? We can actually
speak, one on one, with the only One who knows us and everybody else inside out! Everybody has some broken places and
our God is the very One who can bring restoration. We get to participate in that restoration by praying one for another.
If we say that we will pray for another, God help us to remember to do it. Matthew 5:34, as paraphrased in The Message, says this. "You only make things worse when you lay down a smoke screen of
pious talk, saying, 'I'll pray for you,' and never doing it, or saying, 'God be with you,' and not
meaning it. You don't make your words true by embellishing them with religious lace. In making your speech
sound more religious, it becomes less true." Although this is a very broad paraphrase, the principle is true.
We should never ever lightly offer to pray for one another and then fail to do it. A second thing is true, we can never reach
others or God by trying to make our speech sound religious. We need to be real with one another and with God.
Prayer is communication with the God who already knows what we need before we ask. (Matthew 6:8) We're talking to the God who knows every last thing that's hidden in our heart. (Psalm 44:21) I have several times caught myself in prayer, rephrasing something I just said or trying to decide which word might
be better to use. How silly is that? God knows my innermost thoughts and yours too. How about just
spitting out what's really there concerning ourselves and others too? God will sort it out. When we are unable
to figure out, in detail, how we should pray for another, God has already made provision for that too. The
Holy Spirit will help us with groaning's that we can't even begin to utter. All in accordance with God's
will. (Romans 8:27) Isn't that the bottom line of what we're praying for in the first place? (Matthew 6:10) That's how Jesus taught us to pray. Many times I have had to remember that I'm not going to God
as an advisor. He doesn't need my advice. He just wants communion in accordance with His will and plans! Praying for one another can be hard at times, especially when there are misunderstandings
between us or hurt feelings. But, basically, its nothing compared with certain others we are to pray for. Namely,
our enemies. Now it used to be that people hated their enemies. (Matthew 5:43) But Jesus had something to say about that. (Matthew 5:44) He said we're supposed to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us.
Well now - that's hard! It gets right down to the core of our heart. Can we let an offense go and pray for
the person who dealt the blow? Isn't that what Jesus did when He prayed from the cross, "Father, forgive them
for they know not what they do."? (Luke 23:24) Aren't we supposed to be like Jesus in the way we live? The Message paraphrases 2 Corinthians 11:30 like this, "If I have to 'brag' about myself, I'll brag about the humiliations that
make me like Jesus." Jesus said that, if He was persecuted, we can expect the same. (John 15:20) It's how we act when that happens that shows our true heart. Again in The
Message, we find these words as a paraphrase of 1 Timothy 2:8 regarding prayer. "Since prayer is at the bottom of all this, what I want mostly is for
men to pray - not shaking angry fists at enemies but raising holy hands to God." How can we do this?
By forgiving first and then praying for the offender. God will do the rest. A heart devoted to prayer will not
have idle time to dwell on much of anything else. (Colossians 4:2) We are in a war but not with other people. The Message says this in Ephesians 6:18 - "In the same way, prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long.
Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other's spirits up so that no one falls
behind or drops out." Yes, prayer is always in order and for all people!
1 Timothy 1:16 (New Living Translation) 16 (NLT) But
that is why God had mercy on me, so that Christ Jesus could use me as a prime example of his great patience with even the
worst sinners. Then others will realize that they, too, can believe in him and receive eternal life.
Why does God have so much mercy on us? Do you
deserve such mercy? I know I don't. Yet, it's His choice to shower us with seemingly unlimited mercy.
The fact that He was willing to give His Son to die for us and that Jesus was obedient to His Father in going to the cross
is evidence of His great mercy. It would be one thing if Jesus had died for us after we turned around and repented.
But, that's not the case. He died for us while we were still His enemies. (Romans 5:10) Before we even had our first thoughts of repentance, Jesus hung on the cross with our sin upon His shoulders.
He looked down upon the crowd that was mocking Him and at those who had put the nails in His hands and feet. He
cried out, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34) As He poured out His heart of love for them in prayer to His Father for their forgiveness, the soldiers continued
on to gamble for His clothing. They seemed completely oblivious to the gift being given to them. But, it wasn't
just the soldiers that were oblivious. As Jesus saw the crowd before Him that day, they were only a small representation
of people yet to be born and people who had already lived and died who will ignore have ignored the great gift of mercy
that the Father wants to give to all of His children. This morning, I'm so glad you are looking with me into His
Word, that we are not oblivious to the fact that, were it not for His mercy, we would be lost. If you have not received
the gift of eternal life this morning, won't you ask Jesus to be the Lord of your life? If you call on Him,
agreeing with Him that you are a sinner and that you need His mercy, He will save you from a life separated from Him.
(Romans 10:13) What if you have
done some awful things in your lifetime? The Apostle, Paul, was the first to admit that He was the worst of sinners.
(1 Timothy 1:15) He had actually persecuted Christians and wanted them killed. (Galatians 1:13) He was sincere in His zeal to wipe out believers in Christ. But, He was sincerely wrong. There are a
lot of people in the world today who are moral and sincere but, because they refuse to receive God's gift of mercy in
the person of His Son, they are sincerely wrong. (John 14:6) Pride will keep us from receiving the mercy that God wants to bestow upon us. It can work several ways.
One way is that we just want to think we're so good that we don't need His mercy. Well, can I tell you
that you can try as hard as you want to but you will never be good enough to meet God's standards? (Romans 3:23) Every one of us falls short of God's standard. Mercy is what we all need so desperately. Another way
that pride can keep us from receiving from God is this. We can think that our sin is so great that we could never
be a candidate for God's mercy. What about Paul? He persecuted and probably killed God's people,
on purpose. If you think that you've done something that put you beyond the reach of God's mercy, can
I tell you something gently but firmly? You are too proud! Who, in their right mind, would even consider that
they could do anything, either bad or good, that would outdo anything that God is or that He has done? You can't
out-love God, out-give God. On the other hand, you can't even out-sin the boundaries of God's mercy. (Exodus 20:6) At least not while you have life and breath on this earth. Mercy is part of His character and He's not going
to change. (Numbers 23:19) But we can. When we realize that we are in sin, we need to change. (2 Corinthians 13:11 We can turn our hearts toward Him and obey His commandments. His mercy will flow. Not only will it flow
to us but His Word says that He will keep doing it for even one thousand generations. Our sin will keep
us from an intimate relationship with God but our repentance invites His mercy. Has pride kept you from receiving
all the mercy that God wants to give you? Look at Paul. He considered Himself the worst of sinners and yet, by God's
mercy, he became one of the greatest spokesmen for the Gospel in all of history. Is anything too hard for
God? (Genesis 18:14) Who knows what plans He has for you if you will only receive that mercy and follow in obedience? (Jeremiah 29:11) We all have
a past. For many of us, the past is a string of failure, guilt and shame. God's mercy has us covered.
God will not only forgive us but will give us a brand new start. (2 Corinthians 5:17) Mercy says we can begin a new life. Paul did and we can too. Does that mean that we will never again struggle
with sin? Not really. This new life in us is generally a process. But, it begins when we confess our need
for a Savior and receive the gift of salvation. Paul, at some times, struggled with the fact that he didn't do what he really
wanted to do or sometimes he did do what he really didn't want to do. (Romans 7:15) Have you ever felt that way? As these things occur in our lives, God is giving us a revelation of what
He wants us to become. He is showing us that we still have some sin that we need to confess and give up. (Romans 7:17) If and when we slip in attitude or action, we have a merciful Savior who has always pleased His Father.
He will stand for us before the Father. (1 John 2:1) This morning, is there something in your life that is keeping you from experiencing the freedom that can
be found in the merciful forgiveness given by God? Go to Him and agree with Him that you are on the wrong track
and that you need His help. Then, like the Psalmist, you can say, "Praise the Lord! For He has heard
my cry for mercy." (Psalm 28:6) Was yesterday a challenging day? Did you feel inadequate and perhaps feel the sting of failure in your walk
with God? Don't despair. His mercies are new every morning. Why? Because of His unfailing love for us.
(Lamentations 3:22-23) He has kept you and me from destruction up to this moment for a purpose. Every morning we have a fresh slate
if we have confessed all of our sin to Him. He gives us a new chance. He did it for Paul and He does it for us
too. God granted Paul mercy so He could use him as an example. If you and I were perfect from the beginning,
what kind of example would we be? Only one person was perfect from the beginning. Only one is worthy to be the
Savior of the rest of us who are sin-stained. It would seem to the world that we were naturally that way if we
had never made a mistake. But, since we are not perfect, we can be examples to the world of God's great patience
and of His mercy. Who, in your life, could benefit from your mistakes? From the revelation that you're not
perfect and that God has granted you mercy. There just may be that someone out there that would gain confidence from
your story as we have all learned something from Paul's story. Wouldn't all the pain and failure
you have come through be worth it all if just one person would realize that God will save even the worst of sinners?
If just one person would receive the gift of eternal life? In His great mercy, God will use everything in
our lives for good if we'll just continue to love Him and do what He has called us to do. (Romans 8:28) In the process, we will be becoming more and more like His Son. (Romans 8:29) We, of course, should never be proud of our sin; but God will take what the Devil meant for evil and turn it around
for good. As the world watches that process and sees our transparency, will they not be drawn to such great mercy?
It really is all about God's mercy!
Psalms 85:8 (New Living Translation) 8 (NLT) I listen carefully to
what God the LORD is saying, for he speaks peace to his people, his faithful ones. But let them not return to their foolish
The Lord is speaking to us this morning. Are we listening carefully?
The King James Version says, "I will hear...." Are we really hearing what God is saying? It's really
not a matter of listening if and when we feel like it. It's a matter of life and death. Our spiritual ears
should always be perked up to hear what the Lord is saying. If we have a build-up of spiritual earwax, we need to clean
it out! What a great thing it is that we are searching these scriptures this morning. May God give us ears to
hear! God told Israel that they needed to listen with their ears wide open. It was the very life of their soul
that was at stake. Isaiah 55:3 He is still calling us to listen today and repeatedly tells us that, if we have ears to hear, we
should listen to what His Spirit is saying. (Matthew 13:9) The key is to be willing to hear. Too many today are not interested in hearing. But, like Isaiah 55:3 says, they are putting the life of their soul in jeopardy. God has already given us the opportunity to enter into
a New Covenant, an everlasting covenant by the blood of Jesus. Refusing to hear and enter in will cause us the loss
of our souls. Not being willing to hear is not a new problem. (Zechariah 7:8-13) In the time of Zechariah, the people were unwilling to hear what the Lord was trying to say. When He speaks,
He is not trying to take anything from us but to give us life. His Words are life. (John 6:63) All the words from Zechariah 7:9-11 were commands that stemmed from loving God and from loving one another. But, would His people listen? No.
They were stubborn. They hardened their hearts. Do you know anyone like that today? People today are
wandering around in darkness, many thinking they have the answers to life within themselves. The Apostle, Peter,
had the right idea. Many disciples had fallen away from following Jesus because they didn't want to hear His Words.
Today, many churches have ceased to preach the whole Word of God because it is offensive to some people. When
Jesus asked those closest to Him if they were going to leave Him too, Peter answered rightly. He said,
"You alone have the words that give eternal life." (John 6:67-69) He went a step further to prove that he had really listened to the words that Jesus spoke. He said, "We
believe them and we know You are the holy one of God." Just like in Jesus's time, His Word is offensive
to some. (John 6:60-61) Are we, like the Psalmist, listening carefully to all that the Lord is saying or are we picking and choosing
what we will hear?
Although, His Word is many times convicting (but never condemning), it
also brings peace. As we listen to the last part of Psalm 85:8, we see the part that says, "....let them not return to their foolish ways." As God speaks to each of our
hearts, He lets us know through His Word and the revelation of the Holy Spirit just exactly what "foolish"
things we should not return to. That is a part of the covenant. That is our part. That's how
we become one of His faithful ones. We are freely given forgiveness and eternal life. (Acts 2:21, Romans 10:13) But repentance is necessary. In fact, those words were the first that Jesus preached when He started His earthly
ministry after being tempted by the Devil in the wilderness. (Matthew 4:17) The Bible says that He preached that message from then on. What happens when we repent and turn from attitudes
and actions that are unpleasing to God? We come into agreement with Him. Peace floods our lives. Have you
ever tried living with someone that you don't agree with? It's pretty hard, if not impossible, to find the peace
we all long for. Peace with God is a vital necessity if we are to live at peace with ourselves and others. God is
speaking peace to us when He gives us His Words to live by. Some of His Words may be hard and offensive, especially
if we're enjoying the sin that we may be living in. But, they are words of life. The end result of listening
carefully to His Words and receiving them is harmony with God and a peace that passes all of our human understanding. (Philippians 4:7-8) When we listen carefully, receiving His Word and putting it into practice just as Paul urged the Philippians to do,
the God of peace will be with us. This morning, God is speaking peace to us, through His commands as well as His promises.
If we have ears willing to hear, let's listen!
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